Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Before Aaron can reply he hurries to the bathroom. His philosophy was to always avoid uncomfortable situations. He tends to sweat and itch whenever he is thrown into awkward situations, as if his entire being was allergic to them.

Running into the bathroom stall, he takes the bottle and sprays it on his pants. To his utter surprise the solution works. Instantaneously the stain shrinks into nothingness. Aaron walks out of his stall and looks into the mirror, he grins. Not only did the most popular girl in school talk to him, but she was also nice.

He almost laughed when she told him her name, as if he had no clue that she was. He may be sheltered and keeps to himself, however Aaron is neither blind nor oblivious. Of course he knows who Katie Fucking Miller was. Even if he didn’t know her from school he’d know who she was. Her picture was everywhere. You couldn’t go anywhere without seeing a picture of Katie Miller. Who didn’t know who she was?

Queen bee, rich, a dancer, and a downright bitch. Or at least that’s what he thought until this morning when he tripped her.  But no bitch would have said thank you, out a nerd like him.

Thankfully the exchange was very polite between the two because the last thing Aaron needed was to have a popular girl chastising him. That would have been the perfect way to finish such a perfect picturesque morning.

For early in the morning when some people are out for runs, Aaron, like most high school kids, was sleeping. When Aaron finally awoke, late of course, the first sight he saw was his window open and a bird flying into his room. Whereas this shouldn’t have been a big deal, it turned into chaos.

Poor Aaron had the bird, which just so happened to be a raven, attack him, badly injuring him. The bird did not just stop there, it the pooped all over his laptop, and to Aaron’s dismay chewed wires on the laptop before flying out the window.

By this point he was cursing his mother for opening the window to try to wake him up. Not only was he cut and bruised, but his laptop was destroyed. When Aaron attempted to turn it on, it was evident that the bird had short circuited it. That was when the boy noticed that the fiend had also spilled water onto it.

Being an idiot he had not saved the files on his computer and lost all of his music, files, and picture. And Aaron really wanted to see some of those pictures, the ones his parents were never allowed to find.

In a funk as he reached school, Aaron did not realize his shoe was untied, and the next was history. Making the most popular and one of the prettiest girls in school trip, only to have your joke about shoelaces; it was one hell of a strange day.

Still not able to wrap his mind around the situation that had just occurred, Aaron enters his math class just as the bell rang. However whereas math tends to be one of his best subjects, he could not concentrate today.

The only thing in which he could think about was what he was going to do about his now broken laptop. He knew that most of his peers would be too infatuated with the number he now possesses, but not Aaron.

He was smarter than that and laughed at all of the 17 year olds who only think about sex, not that he never thought about sex. Aaron thought about that, a lot. However he was realistic and knew that one conversation with a hot girl was not going to get him any action.

On the other hand that computer was his life, everything was on it. Including his essay that was due next period, he thought as the class ended.

The walk to literature class seemed to drag on for hours, a walk of shame. Aaron badly needed an A on this paper; the paper in which he forgot to print or backup on a flash drive. He was pissed too, for the first time he was actually proud of this essay and felt he deserved an A.

Without that A, his parents were going to kill him. So far he had not really done well in lit, but his parents made him take it, an AP class nonetheless. He’s smart, but English, yeah not his best class in the world. Aaron was more of a science and math guy.

And whereas most parents cut their children slack when they were in advanced classes, his parents were very strict. Nothing less than perfect was not acceptable. As his parent’s only child, he was required to be the best in everything.

The best in sports, the smartest, the most handsome, he was not only expected, but required to be flawless.  However he was not anything like that. And this missing essay was going to be the icing on the cake.

The teacher came up to him, his eyes questioning where his essay was, and all poor Aaron could do was shrug. He looked down in shame as the teacher walked onto the next student.

There goes his allowance for the next month or two, guess he couldn’t buy a new laptop either. Shit, Aaron thought, he didn’t even tell his parents about that. There goes his allowance for the next year or two.

Life was just so fucking perfect for Aaron. As the bell rings he sighs and continues to go through the motions for the next few classes. He could tell he was sinking into a depression, but whatever.

Classes came and went until Aaron finds himself outside of the lunchroom with what feels like a thousand people laughing around him and smiling. If only he could be one of those happy people like them.

After getting his tray and his disgusting mystery meat, Aaron sits at his normal table in the far right corner of the cafeteria. As he sets his tray down Aaron hears his only two friends arguing over some show they both watched the night before. Said show was more than likely a Japanese anime, a genre he despised.

From the looks of it the winner of the argument was Joshua Smith. Joshua had been Aaron’s friend since the first grade when somebody stole his brownie. Pretending to be superman, Joshua got the brownie back. It was one of those cute stories that adults love to bring up. Most people glanced at Joshua and without a word being exchanged, classified him as a freak; the guy who cares a little too much about recycling, the guy who only talks about games, TV, and books, the kinds of guy who you simply could never talk to. In reality they were right about everything sans the recycling. Recycling, as Joshua once called it, is a bureaucratic, capitalistic, and stupidic waste of his time. Joshua liked to say things that make no sense. And he liked to make up words.

Peter Allen Ramsey the Third, known as Peter to anyone he ever talked to, moved to Aaron’s school in the seventh grade. They had met in art class, both admiring the tour guide as everyone else admired the paintings in the museum they visited. Peter was born into a very wealthy and prestigious family. His father was head of the largest law firm in the United States. His mother was a model when she was younger and became an Editor of a fashion magazine. Peter didn’t quite live up to expectations to take over the family businesses. He spent his time dreaming of becoming a pimp or own the Playboy club. If neither if those options worked, he was going to open a chain of adult stores. He was a bit of a pervert.

Aaron laughs at his friends. They were two of the funniest people he knew and whenever his parents ruined his mood, they always made him smile and cheer-up.

“Hey dude,” Peter sighs, obviously still pissed from losing their lame argument.


“You’ve looked better man, did you spend too much time last night not talking to a girl.”

“Peter’s right, did you run into a pile of kryptonite or something?”

“Yeah, if kryptonite is not turning in a paper because your computer crashed.”

 “Dude you are so blown,” Peter laughs. “Your rents will kill the living shit out of you.”

Joshua laughs, and Aaron glares at him. He has never found it funny how Joshua bursts out into a full fit of laughter when people cuss. Peter found it amusing, but Aaron, not so much.

“Tell me about it. I am so grounded, meaning no allowance, meaning no new laptop. Which let me tell you sucks because I really need to finish level 10?”

“You’re seriously still on level 10? I beat that a month ago. Level 22, now that’s a challenge!”

Peter sighs, “Can we please talk about more pressing issues than retarded gaming! Such as how we are going to sneak Aaron out this weekend and get his grounded ass to the  convention this weekend?”

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