Chapter 5

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            The rest of the day after lunch had not been much better than the first half of the day for Aaron. In two of his classes he had pop quizzes, which he luckily got full marks on, but was still stressful. Then due to the stress had a major panic attack in the middle of history class and had the whole class laughing at him as he was acting really anxious.

            He hated high school. It sucked; the end. He was sick of the taunting from his classmates. Fed up with his parents overprotective and strict nature, basically Aaron just wanted senior year to be over with as quickly as possible.

            Aaron’s birthday was June 8th, four months until he would be 18 and a legal adult, hopefully then his parents would stop treating him like a kid, but Aaron doubted it.

            When the final bell rang signaling the end of the school day Aaron sighed in relief before basically jumping up from his seat and jolting out of the building. He was praying neither of his parents would be home yet.

            Actually, he was counting on it. Now was not the time to face his parents about how he didn’t have a laptop yet and how he lost his essay. Maybe the fact that he aced his pop quizzes and the anatomy test he got back would make up for it. Aaron thought about that for a moment and laughed at the preposterous idea, a hundred A’s couldn’t save his ass this time.

            Once he was home and out of this hell hole, he’d come up with what he would tell his parents. Well at least that’s what Aaron told himself, but it was a fruitless prospect.

            Even though he was 17 and had had his license for over a year, Aaron was still not allowed to drive to school. His parents thought that teenage drivers were too inexperienced to drive with so many other teenagers around them.

            Personally, Aaron totally agreed, but it didn’t mean he liked it and didn’t beg to drive to school instead of having to bike to school. There was just something fully embarrassing about being the only senior riding a bike, whereas everyone else was driving fancy overpriced cars.

            His school parking lot was filled with BMW’s, Mustangs, Mercedes, Jaguars, and even a Ferrari or two. It was one of the joys of living in an area full of pompous rich jerks. Aaron hated his town in Northern California where everyone was rich and arrogant. If it was up to him he would live with people who actually knew what the real world was like.

            Not that Aaron wasn’t well off, he was, but his parents just did not spoil him like everyone else’s families did.

            Getting on his bike Aaron sighed in relief that at least it had stopped raining and he wouldn’t have to get soaked on his way home. However he was so engrossed with his own thoughts, that Aaron wasn’t paying attention to the parking lot. Of course to his excitement, a car came out of nowhere and hit him.

            Aaron groaned in pain as he gets up and rubs his head. Thankfully he had a helmet on or that could have ended badly. The guy who hit him got out of the car, apologized, and offered to give him a ride home.

            Thanking the boy, Aaron denied and jumped right back on his bike and rode home without a second glance at the car that had hit him. He didn’t need any charity, he wasn’t hit hard and he would just be a bit bruised in the morning.

            Thanking God that he didn’t live too far from school; Aaron parked in his back shed and moaned in pain. His head had begun to hurt badly and all he wanted was to put some ice on it and shoot some fucking zombies before starting his homework.

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