Tears of Perfection

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What is sanity? Is it purely based on the lack of craziness or is it deeper than that? Is it when you agree that E=mc²?  Is it how smart you are and how many facts you know? Or is it how well you accept and confirm to your culture’s social norms?

On the other side of the spectrum what is insanity? Is it defined by how many disorders you have according to the DSM IV-TR or is it something no one can define. Is it the will to break ideals and laws? Is it how manic you are? Or is it, in its most basic form, the personality that does not follow your society’s guidelines and when one does not acquiescently assimilate?

Therefore who puts one into these categories, if they do prove to exist? Some may say it is solely your choice to believe if you are sane or not. Others will tell you that it is how the people around you perceive you. But then is your classification a bias one; for if it is how anyone can truly understand the science and psychology of either of these terms? To those who are called insane it means being an outcast to their own world. However no one thinks of these individuals and how they see your sanity. Are you sane because you believe you are, or do you choose to ignore the question of your sanity?

For 17 year old Katie Miller the question of her sanity was always precedent to anything else. At a first glance this young girl seems to be exceptionally normal. Petite, blonde, and absolutely gorgeous, Katie is the captain of her school’s dance and poms team, editor-in-chief of the yearbook, president of the national honors society, incredibly charitable, and a straight a student. On top of that her parents own the biggest corporation in the United States and possibly the world, making her a celebutaunte. And she was next in line to take over once she graduated school.

All of her life everybody wanted to be Katie, people followed everything she said and walked on the ground she touched as if it was sacred. Much of the world would call Katie the stereotypical bitchy Queen Bee of school. She was believed to be the girl who had everything easy.

But deep down Katie knew that if her deepest secret was to ever be let out her life would be over. She would no longer be the perfect girl, but the town freak.

Aaron Pyle is that kid who nobody ever talks to and is happier that way. Whereas most 17 year olds strive to be the star quarterback and get some action, Aaron has always been more comfortable as a loner. He is not a part of any clubs or teams, only has one or two friends, has never been on a date, and is always stuck in his own world.

Some look at this young boy with pity, some in disgust, and some don’t even bother to realize he exists. People look at this person and see that he has all the potential he needs to succeed, but wastes it. Due to this people have always picked on him and called him names, however Aaron doesn’t care.

For Aaron the little jabs people throw at him is nothing. Nobody truthfully means it; he’s just an easy target. He understands how pathetic his life may seem, but he’s perfectly happy. To him it is the better option to stay alone than to be a cybernetic drone like everyone else he knows.

Two different people, who due to themselves and peers live very different lives, have different identities, and most importantly different sanity levels. Which one is sane and which one is insane is a decision one cannot tell you, it is one in which one must figure out for oneself.

For is sanity what drives these two teens to make the decisions they do? Is it why they never speak to one another? Again one must figure that out themselves. Identity is a strong force in life. It is also one that these two kids will find, can easily change.  For when two souls shall meet, insanity will take hold on innocent lives and wreck one society’s views on morality, justice, and the truth.

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