Chapter 3

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            “Katie, Katie? Did you not just hear what I said!”

            “Sorry Tay, did you say something?”

            “Oh nothing just wondering if you are breaking up with Brian for being such a jerk to you this morning!”

            “He wasn’t that bad,” she admits.

            Katie groans in aggravation and looks straight ahead of her at some random trees in the distance. She looks around her as a soft wind blows on her face. She and all of her friends were sitting at their usual spot in the school courtyard during lunch. Luckily Taylor had worked her magic and convinced the boys to stay away today.

            Okay so she told them that most of them were PMSing and they asked to leave but that was just a small technicality.

            “Yeah Kate, did you hear what everyone was saying that he said?” one of her disciples named Hayley asked. “Because Paul told me that Nate told him that Natalie told him that Brian called you a hoe and that the two of you had a threesome with some random guy off of the streets and that you give him blowjobs in the school bathroom!”

            Katie looks at her friends and starts to giggle, some of them join in even though they look confused.

            “I’m confused. What’s going on here?”

            “That is so not true! Natalie has always been trying to steal him from me, she must have lied. And I talked to Brian earlier and we worked everything out,” she explains.

            “Phew,” Taylor takes a sigh of relief. “If you guys had broken up it would be really hard for you to win prom queen. Together you guys are a shoe-in to be crowned.”

            Everyone around Katie agrees and starts to squeal with glee at the prospect of their friend being crowned queen. Katie on the other hand holds in her tears and takes a big breath in order to keep calm. Brian knew better than to spread rumors about her, she got enough of that from the paparazzi.

            If she was being honest with herself what made her want to cry more than anything was the fact that everyone cared so much about her winning prom queen. Yeah it was great that they would rather have Katie win than themselves, but she wished they could be real friends and see past her lies.

            Everyone starts chatting about weekend plans and such and Katie sighs in relief for being able to stay calm cool and collected.

            “So you want to hit the mall after school Katie?”

            “Thank god you asked! I am dying to go shopping. There is a new pair of Louboutins I want to buy Marie for her birthday.”

            “Wait,” Taylor jumps up, “isn’t today her birthday!”

            Katie nods.

            Taylor squeals, “Ok we so, so need to go shopping. I have to buy Mar Mar a present too!”

            “Um Taylor you do realize she hates you right?”

            “She doesn’t hate me! She’s just a bit pissed at me at this moment. Duh.”

            Katie giggles, “Tay, you set her hair on fire the day before school started.”

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