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A.N. I couldn't resist writing some fluff

"So Namjoon...this sleepover means I get to meet your boooyfriend, riiiight?"

"Do you really want me to invite him over?"

"Of course! He has to pass my test!"

It was the middle of August and Namjoon had finally graduated. All that hard work and he would finally get to go to college for his passion-writing. He could continue working on his story while learning more and more. Not to mention his roommate was going to be...well, take a guess.

His best friend, Hoseok, finally drove into town to see him again, along with his entire group of friends-Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi, and Park Jimin. They were actually pretty cool.

Because they got along so well, Hoseok proposed a sleepover-all seven of them.

"We're not little kids," Jungkook had said, rolling his eyes, "Namjoon-hyung, Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok-hyung are going off to college!"

"You're the one who needs to grow up," Taehyung had chuckled, "no need to be such a stick in the mud that you can't even enjoy a sleepover."

In the end, it was decided that they would all have a sleepover.

Namjoon: How would you feel about a seven person sleepover?

Seokjin: If there are snacks, sleeping space, and the other people aren't serial killers, than I'm in.

Namjoon: Ur safe lol. Probably.

Seokjin: Text me the time, then~

Jin was the last to arrive. He couldn't believe that Namjoon's mom had let him have so much company over. Then again, she was always cool with that stuff, and she was out of the house with her friends for the first time in forever.

"Namjoon! Hi!" He said, greeting his boyfriend with a kiss. They were really affectionate lately, Jin especially.

"Hey. Ready to meet everyone?"

"You literally just met almost everyone here. Don't act like this is your crew or something," Jin teased and pushed his shoulder lightheartedly.

"Is that who I think it is?" Hoseok called from the living room.

"Yep!" Namjoon called back, "We'll be right over."

The two decided to hold hands while they went to greet everyone. They had long since grown used to that. It still made them blush sometimes, but it had become habit. And they were both completely fine with it. 

Hoseok was sprawled out on the couch, leaving little room for a very annoyed Yoongi. He gave them a little wave as they entered the room. 

"Hey!" He jumped off the couch, finally letting Yoongi and Taehyung have a seat. He shook Jin's hand. Then the interrogation began. 

"So, Jin," he narrowed his eyes, "Do you have a job?"

"I work at the library," Jin responded without fail. He had decided to get a job at  the place that meant the most to him. 

"Can you cook?"


"Good with kids?"

"I suppose so."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Hobi..."

"This is for your own good, my friend." he turned his attention back to Jin. "Do you think you'd be a good husband?"

"Isn't it a little soon?"

"Answer the question."

"Sure, I guess..."

"Last one. Do you love Namjoon?"

Jin caught Namjoon's eye for a moment. They smiled. 

"I do."

"You pass my test, then! Alright guys, let's have the most childish, lame sleepover ever!" Hoseok cheered. 

"Yeah, you never know when we'll be able to do something like this again."

"Yoongi, don't be a downer."

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, movies, and lack of sleep. Namjoon had insisted on sleeping next to Jin. They were the first to fall asleep, with his arm wrapped around Jin's waist. This, of course, led to them waking up with drawings all over their faces. 

Namjoon was glad Hoseok made all these new friends. And since meeting Jin, he didn't mind meeting all these new people as much as he would have. 

In a sense, he had his "happy ending" so many of his favorite stories insist on having. 

College was just around the corner, after all.

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now