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As usual, the library was waiting for Namjoon and Jin after school. While it had once been a place of routine and solitude, it had become something different, for Namjoon especially. It became the place where his quiet world was shaken so quickly, just by one new friend. It became the place where he met his current boyfriend. It became the place where he had fallen in what he knew was the beginning of love.

He had grown to adore the library even more than he did to begin with.

So it was a bit of a disappointment to find out that he couldn't go there after school that day. 

Mom: I saw an envelope in the mail for you before I left for work this morning. I think you'll want to check them out ;)

He sent a quick text to Jin.

Namjoon: Can't go to the library today. Wanna come over?

"Am I at the point where I can invite myself in, or not yet?" Jin asked as he stepped through the threshold. 

"Eh, if you want, I guess It's okay. Here, take a seat. The meeting begins as soon as you sit down!" Namjoon said with dramatic flair.

"The meeting, hmm? Looks like we're all accounted for."

Namjoon pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket. "This was addressed to me, from the very same college that you happen to go to. The college I've been dying to get into. The college with one of the best english programs in the area. Jin, this letter could make or break my future. Are you ready?"

"Fingers crossed!" He replied, closing his eyes for good measure. 

"Let's see. 'Dear Kim Namjoon, we have read your application...blah blah blah...and are happy to inform you that you have been accepted! Jin! I've been accepted! I'm going to college!!"

Jin stood up, and they threw their arms around each other at the same time, delirious from excitement. They cheered, jumping up and down like little kids.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Namjoon took a deep breath and uttered words he never believed he'd have the confidence to say.

"Would it be alright if I kissed you?"

"Oh!" Jin blushed, "It would be better than okay! But I warn you-I have no experience."

"That makes two of us, then," Namjoon declared.

He pressed his lips against Jin's. The kiss was slow, sweet, and awkward. Neither had any idea if this was how kisses were supposed to feel, but it felt right, so who gave a damn if it was correct?

So many stories mention butterflies flitting in your stomach when you kiss. This was different. This was a passionate burn, a yearning for each other that flared from the depths of their chests to the tips of their toes. It was innocent, yet amorous and sensual.

It wasn't perfect.

It was real. 

And there was nothing better than that.

They pulled apart for air, breathing heavily.

"That was..." Jin began.

"Whoa. I know," Namjoon finished. "I think...I'm falling in love with you."

Jin kissed him. It was shorter, and much more chaste. "There's no doubt in my mind, Namjoon. I'm definitely falling in love with you."

Namjoon kissed him on his cheek, then his forehead, then his lips again. He couldn't get enough. He didn't want to ruin it by making out with him on the spot. And yet...and yet...

"Namjoon! That's my neck," Jin gasped.

"Oh!" He pulled away. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself. I'm really new to this."

"No," Jin giggled, "It's okay. I like this, but let's go slow, okay?"

He kissed him once more. "Of course, Jin."

"Besides," Jin added, kissing him on the cheek, "We'll have plenty of time for that once we're roommates."

Namjoon blinked. "Do you really think we'll get to do that?"

"We can request it," Jin was still holding on to him, "And I'm a good student. They must like me enough to let us."

"Yeah, 'cause you kiss up to the teachers," Namjoon teased.

"Rude!" He joked, "I might just have to stop kissing you for a month."

Namjoon kissed his forehead. "Really? You're so mean."

"I have an evil side. Get used to it before it's too late, haha."

"Oh, no," Namjoon said, faking fear. "Will this evil Jin subside if we play video games?"

"Hm," Jin left his side to turn the TV on, heart still racing, "If I win, then it just might."

Namjoon tossed him a controler. "I'd better prepare for the monster, than, because there's no way I'm letting you win."

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now