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"Well if it isn't my favorite bookworm!"

Namjoon didn't look up. This was the method that supposedly worked on wild animals. If you didn't make eye contact, they wouldn't engage. If he kept his eyes glued to the page, he wouldn't be bothered by the wild Kim Seokjin.

But Seokjin was no puppy, and a simple psychology trick wouldn't be enough to keep his wagging tail and goofy smile at bay. 

"I got my cookbook. I found it after I left you. I don't think you'd make a good employee; you're not much help."

"Isn't everyone lucky I'm not, then?" Namjoon asked sarcastically.

He shook his head. "If you worked here, I'd have an excuse to talk to you. Now I have to make one up."

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I'm working on it-you're so impatient. Here's today's excuse-"


"-Hush. How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen, but my birthday's in about a month."

Just then, Seokjin's face broke into a triumphant grin. Before Namjoon could ask what the fuss was about, he was already rambling.

"I'm nineteen! That makes me older than you. So you can call me 'hyung'."

Namjoon groaned. "Great. Because your head needs to get bigger. Anyway, that's why I don't see you around school."

"Yeah, I go to the community college..."

And there it was. The ever-dreaded conversation lag. Something had to be said to keep the conversation from dying out, but what could possibly keep the talk flowing? And what would he say to make himself not sound like a complete idiot?

Now that he thought about it, why was he even going to bother?

"You should dye your hair like your hoodie," He blurted.

He flashed him a confused smile. "Pink? I did, once. It was pretty leg-'Jin'-dary."

Did he just-

"Hyung, are you serious?" Namjoon deadpanned.

"No, I'm Seokjin."

 That was Namjoon's cue to open up the book again. Jin was doubled over laughing at his own puns.

 "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. That was awful...ly great."

"Hyung, I swear to God, I'm going to leave this spot on the count of three."

Jin swung an arm around his shoulder good naturedly. Namjoon tensed at the unfamiliar and unexpected contact. Jin noticed this, but paid little attention. If he asked, he'd take his arm away-but he wanted him to get used to it.

"You win. I'll shut up. Just let me take the chair next to you. I'll read something. This looks interesting..."

"That's Cinderella. The Disney book version."

"Exactly. Interesting."

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now