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When he holds my hand, I don't want to let go. I want our fingers to stay entwined for as long as time will allow it. If I let go, I fear I'll never be able to hold him again. For nothing is guaranteed. I have no reason to hold him. Our relationship isn't like that, it would be strange if I did. So I grip his hand. I grip it, and it's secure in mine, and I hope that he doesn't want to let go either. I don't want my heart to stop pounding.

Namjoon nodded at the paper. It was nothing special, but it was coming along alright.

Okay, but honestly, He thought, How do I really feel about Jin? Everything I write lately has been inspired by him...

He tapped his chin with the tip of his pencil eraser. Technically, I guess I have a crush on Jin. The pencil tapping intensified. Labelling feelings is the exact opposite of what I've been trying to do, but-He blushed-It looks like I do like him in that way.

Namjoon was not one for immediate action. He liked Jin-how could he not, seeing as they spent so much time together? But there was no reason to go ahead and kiss him out of the blue. Besides, that required courage, and he wasn't feeling any of it at the moment.

Jin yawned a sleepy hello as he plopped himself in the chair next to Namjoon.

"Late night?" Namjoon asked.

"You bet," He grumbled. "Music takes practice..."

"You're a music major?" Namjoon inquired. 

"Yup," He yawned again. "I sing and play the guitar. I'd like to make my own music one day, but when I get out of school, I'll go for any job I can, so long as it involves music."

He smiled. "You should play for me one day."

"I'd be happy to serenade you, Namjoon," He let out his loudest yawn yet. "But today is not that day."

"I could rap for you," Now Namjoon was yawning. "Damn it, Jin! Yawns are contagious!"

"You rap?"

"Sometimes. I'm not bad at it."

"Then we'll make the greatest duo the world has ever seen. You can be backup!"

Namjoon shoved his arm good naturedly. "I don't even care about the spotlight, but just for that, I'm not going to let you hog it! Ah, I'm yawning again."

"Me too. I have to be in front! My face is much more handsome!" He shoved back, giggling. "You're the writer, anyway. Someone has to be the smart one out of the two of us!"

"I'll be the smart one. You can be the nice, charming, handsome, musical and perfect one."

"Aw, Namjoon, you're all of those things."

"I know," He laughed. "Just take the compliment. It's one of my bests."

"Then I'm flattered. I can't stay here for long. Want me to walk you home?"

"How gentlemanly of you," Namjoon remarked teasingly.

Jin grabbed his hand. "One of my many perfect traits, I'll admit."

Namjoon felt his heart race at Jin's touch. He held back and flashed that dimpled smile Jin had fallen for since the beginning.

"What're we waiting for? Let's go."

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora