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A.N. Once again, sorry for not updating on time! 

Namjoon: Morning :) Wanna hang out today?

Seokjin: Sure! Anywhere in particular you want to go?

Namjoon: Not really

Namjoon: Library?

Seokjin: Sounds good, I'll see you there

Today was the day. He was finally going to ask Jin to be his (he was already sweating at the thought of it) boyfriend. The library was the best place he could think of, since they had met for the first time there.

And I thought I wasn't romantic. Namjoon had to pat himself on the back.

Namjoon was a better actor than he gave himself credit for. He was half ready to have a heart attack the second he spotted Jin at their usual table, but pulled off a kind of swagger that only the deeply nervous could perfect.

"Jin! Hi!" He called, earning him a few glares from the others in the library.

"Hi, Namjoon. What do you wanna do?" 

I know what I want to do, but Jin, I'm not sure I can do it. I'm really doubting myself here, so please, give me a sign that this isn't a horrible mistake.

Then he caught Jin's eye and noticed his smile. His smile, which always put him at ease.

There's my sign. I can do this.

"Jin, I," He coughed, and swallowed a lump in his throat. "We've, well, we've been friends for a little while, and I...I li-" He was sweating. No, focus on Jin's smile. He'd feel better in an instant. "Jin, I like you a lot..." his voice became smaller and higher pitched the more he talked. He needed to wrap this up. "So, would you maybe want to be my, uh, my boyfriend...? It doesn't have to be serious or anything right now. So, yeah..."

And then there was silence. Jin was utterly speechless, and there was no chance that Namjoon would speak up. It was said and done; there was nothing he could do to change what was about to happen.

 "Namjoon, you...really like me?" Jin's mind was racing. Was this actually happening? He had feelings for Namjoon, and they were actually being returned? And now he wanted him to be his boyfriend?

He doesn't want to, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to! Namjoon agonized.

Hurry up! Jin scolded himself, Stop standing there like a lovestruck elementary schooler and tell him that you want to go out!

"I, um, sorry, Jin. It's fine, we don't have to-"

He felt Jin's arms wrapped around his waist. His touch was gentle, just like he had imagined it, and though his heart was racing, he didn't want to let go, not even for a second.

Coming to his senses, Namjoon returned the hug, throwing his arms onto his shoulders.

"I like you too, Namjoon. A lot. More than you know. I'd be happy to be your boyfriend...and don't worry, we'll take it slow, promise," Said Jin, resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. 

They broke apart, breathless, eyes not leaving the other. Namjoon offered his hand out to Jin.

"Would it be crazy to hold your hand right now?" He asked.

"No," Jin giggled, "As long as we can go on a walk."

"Like I'd ever say no."

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now