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Seokjin: I'm sorry, I can't come to the library today :( Or anywhere :( I have like, a billion quizzes coming up that I need to study for

Namjoon: Aww ok

Seokjin: I can feel your sadness through the phone and it's making me sad, too. Just a sec~

A few moments later, Namjoon received a video. It was Jin in his familiar pink hoodie.

"Hello, my handsome boyfriend!" He waved. "If you ever miss me, watch this! And here...a gift!" And he blew a kiss at the camera.

Ahh, he's too cute! This isn't fair!

Namjoon: You're a total dork

Seokjin: You didn't like it? :(

Namjoon: No way. I'll treasure it forever ;)

Seokjin: You make me blush~

Seokjin: Ok, I gotta go study. Bye <3

He stayed at the library for awhile. When he arrived home, his mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"Welcome home!" She called over the sizzling of a pan.

"Mom! You're home early."

"Lucky me, huh?" She smiled. "Talking through texts, notes, and sleepy hellos in the morning aren't enough. What's new?"

"Well," Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck as he sat down."You know how I like Seokjin?"


"He's, uh, kinda my boyfriend now. So yeah."

"Aww, Namjoon!" She squealed. "That's great! I'm happy for you. I hope you two stay happy forever."

"Forever?" Admittedly, he hadn't thought that far ahead. "Mom, I haven't even been dating him for a week."

She winked. "I know. Just let me have fun with this."

It felt good to tell her. His mom had always been working hard for him. He used to blame her for not getting to see him enough, but there was a reason she came home exhausted almost every night. It was for him. 

Once he became a published author, he'd make sure that a good portion of his pay went to her. And hell, if he and Jin ever decided to sing a duet, she'd go right on tour with them.

He sent one quick text to Jin before bed. 

Namjoon: You got the ok from mom. I'm pretty sure she loves you more than I do lol

And received one just before he closed his eyes.

Seokjin: Yay! I bet my parents will love you, too ^^

Seokjin: If we get serious, of course

Seokjin: Which I'd love to. Night~

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now