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"...So, if I add the new paragraph here, it might have more of an emotional impact, but I'm not really sure if it's the emotion I'm going for here. Should I add it? Ugh, maybe I should add it and get it over with. I've been working on this page for two hours! I'm so tired, but I feel a rush!"

Jin nodded along to what Namjoon was saying. He had been rambling and ranting about his writing for the past fifteen minutes, and Jin didn't quite understand all the technicalities he was talking about, but...

The way Namjoon's eyes lit up when he talked. How his dimpled grin showed whenever he discussed a part that he loved. When he was going into detail about the plot, he'd give Jin's shoulder a small nudge, and then laugh with him, uttering a quick "sorry" before going back to his story. His voice grew louder the more excited he became, and then he'd blush in embarrassment when he realized he was in a library, and then start back at square one. 

It was adorable. And Jin didn't know how much longer he could take it.

Namjoon had such a handsome, tough exterior, but turns out he's both handsome and cute! How is that even possible? It should be illegal!

If he smiles like that one more time, I might just have to kiss him right here and now. This is too much!

"...You've been kind of an inspiration and everything for this, so thanks. It's been fun writing about love when I have you." There it was. There it was. That smile with the dimples that made his heart melt every. Single. Time. This was not okay. Not okay at all. Jin was going to personally sue Namjoon for this.

Or better yet, do...something else.

"So the main character says that-"

Without warning, Jin leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Namjoon stopped talking for a moment. And then-


Jin smirked at him. "You were too cute, so I did what must be done. Call it divine punishment."

Gaining newfound confidence, Namjoon leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"If this is divine punishment, I don't think I mind." He held onto Jin's hand. "Now back to the story-"

"Is this your plan? Keeping me here forever by talking about your book?"

"I could leave..."

"Nope!" Jin held his hand tighter. "Tell me about that paragraph again."

"If you insist," He laughed, "Alright, so..."

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя