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A.N. Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! I'm going to try and update daily, so you can experience Jin and Namjoon's story at the same time they do. So without further ado...let's begin!~UltimateFangirl

Namjoon had settled into a secure routine. Every afternoon when school ended, he would walk to the town library. With his earbuds secure, he could spend hours drowning in words. It was rather relaxing for him.

    High school was stress. Books...were not.

It was amazing how quickly routine could change. One small event, one simple mistake. In Namjoon's case, it all began with one person.

    The person in question being none other than Kim Seokjin.

    While Namjoon was browsing through the shelves, he felt a finger lightly tap on his shoulder.

    He pulled an earbud out. "Uh, yeah?"

A boy with ebony hair and a plump lipped grin was standing behind him. He was slightly shorter than Namjoon, and had broad shoulders. He wore a simple pink hoodie and faded blue jeans.

"Do you work here?"

    Namjoon blinked. "Do I...?"

    "Work here, yeah. I'm looking for the cookbooks," He said with a proud sort of expression on his face. Like his cooking abilities were the most boast-worthy skills in the world.

    "Um, I don't. Not to seem rude, but why'd you think I did?"

"Well," The boy replied, not taken aback in the slightest, "You're here, like, everyday. You read a lot, but you wander the shelves, too. I figured you were one of those high school loners who got a job at the library, only to find themselves immersed in the stories and reading on the clock. Am I wrong?"

    How does he know I'm always here? Is he a stalker?

    "You're not wrong about the reading part, but I'm not a librarian. How do you know I'm here all the time?"

"I see you," He laughed. It was a quiet chuckle, but melodic and clear. "With my incredibly pretty eyes. You're not hard to miss."

Namjoon didn't know what to say next. He didn't have much intention of keeping the conversation going, but at the same time, he couldn't leave this boy hanging. Maybe he could tell him where the cookbooks are, and he'd be out of his hair.

    "Excuse me? Earth to space cadet? I asked you your name," The boy said slowly, drawing out the ends of the words for emphasis. "I'm Kim Seokjin."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows. "I thought you wanted cookbooks."

    "I do," He admitted. "But I also want your name. Cough it up."

    He was half ready to place his earbud back where it belonged. "Kim Namjoon."

    "Kim Namjoon." The name rolled off his tongue. "You're a weird one, Kim Namjoon. But you have my last name, so our meeting must have been destiny. I'll be seeing you."

And with that, he turned his back on the boy by the bookshelf.

    What about his cookbook? Ah, whatever. It's none of my business.

    Now that he thought about it, this "Kim Seokjin" was nowhere near rude. Hell, he wasn't even that annoying. He couldn't remember the last time someone had waltzed up to him and started asking questions. Seokjin's "loner" observation was not very far off the mark.

    They looked like they were around the same age, but he'd never seen him around. Chances are, they went to a different high school.

He pulled a random book off the shelf, not bothering to check what it was about. The cover made it look like some cheesy YA romance, which he didn't mind. Those stories were tolerable at worst, and endearing at best.

    Per usual, Namjoon stayed until the library closed.

I Met Him in the Library-A Namjin storyWhere stories live. Discover now