Chapter 14 - Unveiled

Start from the beginning

"This is Kameela, my wife." Ismail presented her to the family, like she was an accolade he had earned.

"Oh, we've met before." Ahmad said, hoping Ismail wasn't going to ask how. He was worried about Kameela but he had to mind his business and the past was in the past.

Kameela put on a smile but anyone that saw it knew it was out of politeness. Na'ima hissed as she saw Kameela's face. Kameela expected worse. Now she knew that she was sour when they met the first time because she actually knew it was Kameela that was taking up her husband's weekend.

"Um we have to go. I'll call you." Ahmad said as he moved past them and got lost in the crowd of people going in and out.

"But you don't have my number." Ismail said a second too late as he watched them disappear in the sea of strangers.

Kameela's eyes were stuck to her feet as they walked to the car, put their bags in the back seat and entered the car.

"Why are you so quiet? You look like you've seen Casper." She asked herself if she should tell him. She thought against it but she thought 'he's your husband, he should know everything'.

"Remember when I came to see Aunty Khadijah in the night, distorted." Ismail squinted his eyes as he tried to remember the event she was referring to.

"When I wore an Ankara scarf with sweats and a hoodie." That jogged his memory back to the night. He held in a laugh, remembering exactly how she looked.

"Yes I remember. Why are yo..."

"He's the one." He had a straight face on till what she said dawned on him.

"His wife is also my friend's sister." Ismail drove them in silence. Now he felt like he needed to protect her. He was getting riled up thinking that someone wanted her. His exterior presented a calm sea but what he was thinking should be in books disallowed to be read. He squeezed the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. He released them as he kept reciting Asmau-l Husna. He felt the cold release of his blood as he let go.

They went to his uncles and aunts houses the whole day, delivering their gifts to them. They still had hardly said a word to each other the whole day till he dropped her at Manal's. He spoke like nothing had happened at all. He even pecked her goodbye. He told her he was going to see a friend and he was going to pick her up after the Isha prayer.


"So how is marriage treating you?" Rasheed asked as he sat down on the sofa.

"Normal." Ismail said as his eyes moved to the TV.

"Oh oh. Is there a problem already?"

"Mm." He mumbled, not wanting to say a yes or a no.

"I didn't hear you."

"I won't exactly call it a problem."

"Then what is it?"

"I haven't had sex with her yet and I don't know if it's because she doesn't find me attractive or she's scared or something else!"

Rasheed let out a loud laugh. Ismail squeezed his face at him, not understanding the joke.

"So that's all?" He asked after his short laughing episode.

"Yes." Ismail said reluctantly.

"Don't worry, she'll come around or you could just talk to her."

"What should I tell her?"

"Just tell her you're a ma... don't worry, it'll come to you naturally once you open your mouth."

They continued their conversation till they heard the adhaan for the Isha prayer.

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