I'm a Vampire. He's a Vampire Hunter. So Why Do I Feel This Way About Him? (22)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody I knew." I said to him. He looked at me for a little longer before nodding and shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Do you need a ride somewhere?" he asked, squinting his eyes to look up at me. I smiled and nodded. He gestured toward the red door. I opened it and got in. He looked me up and down before smiling slightly.

"Where to?" he asked me, looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I gave him my address.

"I tell you where to turn as we go." I told him as I took the seat belt behind me and put it around myself. Not that I would actually need it. He slowly pushed the accelerator and we went along the bumpy gravel road. I decided to make small talk. The relief in me was great and I was happy. Even though I knew tomorrow would be completely different.

"So, what brings you out in these parts?" I asked him, earning a slight smile. I looked at him more closely. He looked rather young to be in business, but I didn't ask about it. His short blonde hair gleamed in the slight sun coming in from the tinted windows. He was attractive for a human.

"My father owned an oil company and he recently died. I took everything, which includes having to be traveling all of the time. I have a client out this way." he said. So that's why everything about him screams rich. I nodded signaling that I understood.

"Sorry about your father." I told him, even though I wasn't. I was so used to death it didn't even cause a little sympathy inside me. He nodded with a little wave of his hand.

"What brings you out here? You don't look like the homeless type to be walking around alone." he said to me, and I gave out a little laugh.

"My friends decided to ditch me and let me walk home for playing a joke on them." I said, laughing at how stupid they would of felt if Philip really did come.

"You must have done something bad to deserve such a punishment." he said and shook his head, thinking of something else to ask. I could see it in his face. "What's your name?" I looked at him for a little longer, almost exploring every inch of him. I had to admit, those gray dress pants he was in made him look good. The blonde hair looked scarily good on him too. I am not cheating on John just by thinking that.

His cheeks became a little red, knowing that I was just checking him out.

I was a vampire, after all. It's my nature to think these things.

"Rose." I told him, not going by my full name. "Yours?" I asked. He looked at me and then back at the road, which was becoming smoother and turning into cement as we went along.

"Mike." he said and I smiled.

"Nice name." I said to him, a little seductively, just to see how he would act. He glanced nervously at me again before saying to me, "Yours too."

I sighed as we were about two miles away from where we had originally started. A road was appearing up ahead, leading into a forest.

"Turn up here, next left." I said to him, he nodded.

He turned where I had told him to, and we were surrounded by trees and plants. My black driveway was a lot smoother than the gravel road we had been on. It was like we were floating on clouds with the tires on this nice car.

"By the way, what kind of car is this? I haven't seen it yet." I told him. He smiled at me and then patted the place above the steering wheel.

"It's the Ferrari 458 Italia, came out last year." he said to me. That explains it, I had gotten mine two years ago. I told him about all the types of the cars I had. I mentioned my Ferrari, even though it wasn't as updated as the one he had.

"Are you serious?" he asked me, his face showed disbelief. "You have sixteen cars?" he looked at me then. "You really aren't homeless."

I laughed at what he said, and shook my head.

"No, I'm definitely not. Wait until you see my house." I told him.

"Oh, and turn the next left where the trees open up into a clearing with only trees along the driveway." I said and noticed that he wasn't even looking at the road, and the car had slowed down to about five miles an hour. I looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. His green eyes looked at me for a little longer.

"You surprised me, that's all. I thought that you were just some girl walking along the street, but you're more than that. I find out that you have sixteen cars, you're smart, and you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen." he said and then looked away. "Sorry, that didn't mean to come out."

I shook my head a gave a small laugh.

"No, don't worry about it. I enjoy your company, and plus, I gotta give it to you that you're not so bad looking yourself." I said to him.

I watched as his cheeks turned a little darker, and I found my gaze slowly sinking towards his neck. I could hear his heart beating fast, just by being in my presence. The warm blood going through his veins- how delicious it would be. No. I couldn't do that to him. Mike was a nice guy, he didn't deserve to be my food.

I looked away then, not wanting him to see my black eyes that had turned with the thought of his blood. It was more potent that other humans'.

I felt as the car became faster and watched as we turned into my driveway, grass along the sides and not weeds and plants. Trees were aligned in rows on either side, making it seem like we were on our way to a castle, which in some sense, we were.

My mansion became visible as we got closer to it, its Victorian style not giving way to how modern it was inside. I knew that Mike's eyebrows had lifted at the sight. The building was at least fifty feet tall, and it looked like it didn't belong in the Midwest of the united states. Just to be thorough, it didn't. I had had it remodeled from the old home I had back in Romania. Just the inside was completely different with technology we didn't have back then.

"Wow, this is bigger than my home." Mike said to me, and I nodded. I figured it probably was.

My cheeks had become hot with the thought of drinking from Mike, and I knew that I had to get out of the car before I did something that I would seriously regret.

My car that Amarande, John, and Anna had taken was inside of the open garage door, unharmed. I couldn't even smile at the thought that they were probably in there cracking jokes about where I was right now.

A curtain was pulled aside, and I could see John looking out the window. He had probably heard the engine of the car.

Then I thought of the greatest plan ever. For revenge once again. I smiled slowly, my mouth going up in a grin like Philip had had earlier in my mind. It felt good to be the predator once again. I turned to Mike, who had stopped the car and was gawking at all of the cars in my huge garage. He had mentioned he only had five cars. Maybe I would give him a couple of mine, seeing as I didn't use them. Plus, he had done me a favor.

"Mike." I said to him, making him turn to me. My head was lowered, I couldn't let him see my eyes, even though I could erase it from his mind. If it actually worked. Sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't.

"I want to give you something for driving me home. Thank you for showing me such kindness." I said to him, knowing that my voice was darker than usual. I had let my age and the blood lust into it.

To him it would be seductive, yet scary at the same time. And apparently, by the quick glance at his face, it was more seductive. I rested my hand on his thigh, making him go tense. But he enjoyed it. His slow breathing became a little faster.

His fast heartbeat was in my ears, making me want to take his neck and dig in. But I can control myself. I was old enough to. I leaned a little closer into him, knowing that John was watching.

A smirk had taken over my face, my eyes pitch black. My fangs had become a little larger than my usual teeth. I wouldn't let them get to their full length. I wasn't going to feed off of Mike.

Then I took his chin with my fingers, and closed my eyes. "Thank you." I said to him, and then closed the distance between us.

I'm a Vampire...(No Title Yet) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now