Chapter Thirty Four

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Ariella leaned on one elbow and looked at Dalton who was asleep next to her. His hair were tousled and all over the place, thanks to Ariella's hands. She smiled and brushed back his hair from his forehead.

They had barely made it to the bedroom, leaving their luggage in the hallway downstairs. They had laid in each others arms, spent and blissed out.

"Staring is rude" his gruff voice startled her.

Dalton pulled her across his chest and kept his chin on her head.

"Can't sleep?"

"Just thinking" Ariella replied as she kissed his chest.

"About him?"

"Sort of"

"You know considering what we did for majority of the night that is hurtful to my ego, thinking about another man in my bed" Dalton said, joking as he flipped her over and hovered above her.

"Just, how could I be this stupid? I worshipped the ground he walked on. I thought what I had with him was perfect. It was all an act but why? Why did he strung me along when he was sleeping with other women. Why didn't he just break it off?"

"I wish I could answer all your questions but some things are better to be left like that. I know this all sounds philosophical gibberish but whatever happened, it happened for a reason and a selfish part of me is glad, not for the pain and sorrow you went through but for the fact that you are mine now and I have Elisha in my life as well."

"You always know what to say don't you? "

"One of my many talents" Dalton smirked

"I adore your modesty"

"Thank you. Come on" Dalton said as he rolled over and pulled her against his side. "You should sleep now"

Ariella tried but she couldn't. Soon she felt Dalton's hold on her relax and his breath even out as he fell asleep.

How could Kaden be sleeping with other women?  She tried to pin point signs, slip ups but he was the perfect boyfriend. He was never late for anything or ever made excuses for not meeting up. 

If they had married he would have shredded their vows to nothing with his infidelity. Elisha would have been born into that marriage.

Ariella hoped that one day she could just meet him for a few minutes. She wanted to ask him his reason for ruining what they had. She was over him and glad he left when he did because it made her life better.  She had Dalton now.  However she wanted answers from him.

"One day" she whispered to herself.

Ariella woke up to the bright light streaming in to their room. She noticed Dalton was not in bed. She grabbed a bathrobe and was about to head out the room when she heard Dalton's voice carried in from the balcony. She walked towards it and paused.

"Sam, there has to be another way. Kaden has not signed the Paternity Acknowledgement. Hell he does not even know he fathered a child. Look, I want this adoption to go through as soon as possible. I want Elisha to have my name legally."

"Everything okay? " Ariella asked as she stepped out just as Dalton hung up.

"Yeah. It was Samuel" Dalton said referring to his lawyer. 

Elisha's birth certificate stated her name as Elisha Ivy Clark and the father column was blank because Kaden had not signed the Paternity Acknowledgement, a document signed by the biological father stating the child is his. Dalton had given Elisha his name but it was not done legally yet.  He had to adopt Elisha legally and then a new birth cetificate could be drawn up with his name in the father's column and with his last name whereas the original one would be sealed with the adoption documents. However he could not go through with adoption because both parents have to consent. His lawyer was now working on an angle that the biological father of the child has not been in the country and is unaware of the child.

"He got something? " Ariella asked as she walked into his open arms.

"Yes he is working on it"

"It will work out."

Dalton sighed as he held her close. He was not trying to erase Kaden from Elisha's life, not that he was in it in the first place. They would tell Elisha when the time came but for now he didnt want a blank column for a father's name for her. He wanted the world to know that she was his daughter. 

Later that day in evening they were strolling along the beach when Dalton's phone rang out.

It was Jayson.

"Hey son.  Just wanted to tell you that your mother and I are hosting a party for your engagement next weekend. Just a heads up."

"Alright thanks dad.  How is Elisha? "

"Same as she was when you both video called her this morning. Stop worrying and enjoy your weekend."

Dalton laughed and hung up.

"We are having a party next weekend.  Mom and dad are hosting it for our engagment."

"This will be fun"  Ariella laughed.

Little did they know about the storm heading their way, all the way from Italy.

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