Chapter Nineteen

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For @Aldgin and Dia1902

Thank you for your comments :)

Dalton rushed out of the restaurant and was glad when he saw his security team surround him. He has always been against security detail yet despite his protests his father made sure there was always a security team invisible to him but around him and today he was glad for that.

One of the bodyguards opened the back door to the car and Dalton climbed in with Ariella. Ariella was still now, awake but dazed.

"Take us back home" Dalton said to guard as he took the driver seat.

"Ariella" Dalton tried to put her into the seat next to him but she had gripped the front of his shirt and she refused to let go. He adjusted her in his lap and she rested her head against his neck.

He pulled out his phone and dialed his father's number.

"Hey son. How are you?" Jayson replied on the second ring

"Dad, turn on E News. Now"



Dalton listened as his father turned on the TV and flipped through the channel and then Jayson let out a stream of colorful curses.

"Where are you and where is Ariella?" Jayson asked

"She is with me. We are heading back home. We had come to a local diner for dinner when Ariella saw this on the TV at the diner. She is shaken, in shock"

"Take her to the hospital" Jayson urged.

"I am going to call Dr. Denise at home if she can come. The paparazzi are going crazy."

"Jesus, I need to call Aaron and Dante" Jayson muttered as he listened to the news segment.

"Dad, you need to send one of our PR people down here to Boston. I had carried Ariella out of the diner and she had a breakdown. I don't want this to become a circus in the morning papers."

"Okay. Don't worry I will have that covered. I will be down there tomorrow with Aaron as I am sure he would want to be with Ariella. I am going to call him now. Take care and call me once you finish with the doctor"

"Alright, dad. Take care" Dalton said and hung up.

Dalton adjusted Ariella and caressed her hair.

"Hey, I am right here. I got you okay? I promise" He whispered as he held her close. Ariella was so still that it was scaring Dalton out of his mind. Tears were streaming down her face nonstop but there was not sound to go with them.

They reached the penthouse and Dalton carried her up. He walked to her room and removed her shoes and jacket and tucked her in. He dialed Dr. Denise's number and waited for her to answer as he paced Ariella's room, his eyes on her.

"Dr. Arquette"

"Hello, Dr Arquette, this is Dalton Reynolds, I am calling in regards to Ariella Clark."

"Is something serious? I suggest you bring her to the ER"

"No, she just experienced a severe...emotional shock if that how it is; nothing physical. She hasn't said a word. I am worried about her health and the impact of this on the baby. I don't want to bring her out because the media is all over the place."

"I don't do home visits I am afraid."

"Please, doctor, it is a request. I wouldn't have asked if there had been another way out."

Jilted at the AltarOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant