Chapter Thirty Nine

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Ariella grabbed a bathrobe and ran out after him. She stopped at the main door and saw the tail lights of his car disappear as the main gates closed shut after him.

"Dad!" She back tracked and ran back in to the house yelling out for Jayson.


Jayson came running downstairs.

"Jesus, what happened Ariella?" Jayson took in her appearence.

"Dalton...he is gone after Kaden. Please do something. He is really angry. I don't want him to get into trouble."

"What happened?"

"Kaden...he...talked to me today and it..." Ariella lifted the sleeves of her bathrobe and showed Jayson the bruise on her arms.

"That son of a bitch" Jayson cursed and Ariella saw the same storm in his green eyes.

"Please dad. Call him or Uncle Dante."

"Kaden has no right hurting you."

"I know but I don't want Dalton to get in any trouble."

Jayson took out his phone as Kate came down the stairs.

" okay?" She came up to Ariella and took her hands, guiding her to the couch. Ariella told her what happened.

"I just talked to Dante. Dalton had called Rose to ask where Kaden was. Rose assumed he wanted to talk. She told him Kaden's hotel address. I am calling Dalton but he is not answering. I am going after him"

"I am also coming."

"No Ariella. You stay here."

Ariella saw the look on his face and knew it was no point in arguing with him. She sat back down and Kate pulled her into a hug.

"It w...will be o...okay" Kate murmured as she stroked her hair.

An hour later and now Jayson wasn't answering his phone either. Ariella paced the living room. She had gone back to her room and changed into her clothes and checked on Elisha who was fast asleep.

Kate had made tea for both of them.

The phone rang and Ariella jumped.

She grabbed it and swiped answer.

"Dad...where is Dalton? What happened?"

"He is in emergency along with Kaden."

"What?! Is he okay?"

"He is okay. I am more worried about Kaden, not that he didn't deserve it."

"I am coming over there"

"Your mom is on duty. The driver is outside with a car. He will bring you over" Jayson told her.

"Alright." Ariella said and hung up.

Ariella closed her eyes. This was getting beyond ridiculous.

Dalton winced as Elaine cleaned his knuckles.

"You need stitches" Elaine muttered as she examined his hand.

Dalton grunted in response.

Elaine started with the stitches. Dalton knew she wanted to say something.

"Mom, you can say it. I know this was reckless of me but you should see what he has done to Ari."

"No. I want to say is that I am proud to have you as my son in law" Elaine looked up at him and smiled at him and despite the throbbing in his hand, Dalton grinned back at her.

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