Chapter Sixteen

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If a song could describe Dalton's current state of mind then "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes would be it ^.

Dalton's steps faltered as she threw those questions at him but he maintained his stoic expression and walked to her bedside.

"I am sorry. He hasn't contacted me" Dalton replied. He felt Elaine's reassuring hand on his bicep. He glanced at her and then back to Ariella who had the haunted look on her face once again.

"How are you feeling?" Dalton asked but Ariella simply stared at her hands.

"Ariella" Aaron called out to her.

"What am I going to do?" Ariella whispered still looking at her hands and Dalton saw the tears dropping on her hands.

"Hey...listen" Dalton said as he reluctantly sat down on her bed next to her, keeping his hands to himself, fighting the urge to gather her in his arms."We are all here for you, your family, myself, Sienna and Azalea. You are not alone in this"

"Yes, Dalton is right, love" Elaine continued. "We will figure this out, sweety. You just need to take care of yourself and the baby."

"Where would I go?" Ariella asked. She couldn't will herself to go back to New York where every street, every restaurant reminded her of their time together, all those moments he promised her the world and love her for an eternity and now she carried his child. 

"Ariella, you will always have a home with us" Aaron said.

"I don't want to go back to New York. I can't." Ariella winced, the emotional pain taking on a physical edge.

"You don't have to Ari" Elaine said as Dalton got up and she took his place. "If you want you can stay here in Boston. The doctors also recommend that you continue your treatment from here."

Ariella looked at her mother and then at her father. Weren't they always after her to come back to New York?

"Look, we understand that you don't want to come back yet. Dalton has offered to help. He is also moving to Boston for a time being." Aaron said.

"Aidden and Sienna are also here" Elaine continued. "You can stay with Dalton."

"If you want, I mean you can have your space but I will always be around if you need anything." Dalton spoke up. His heart was thumping, waiting for her to outright refuse this.

"It will also give us peace of mind knowing you have someone here with you in between our visits" Elaine said as she squeezed Ariella's hand.

"This is...I..." Ariella closed her eyes, unable to continue. She wanted to slip back into the blackness. Her brain was going to short circuit, trying to come to terms with the present situation. She still couldn't wrap her head around her pregnancy. She was scared, confused, happy, shocked all at the same time. 

Aaron watched his daughter's pained expression. He gritted his teeth, controlling his anger. He was waiting for an email. He had a top class private investigation firm combing the grid for Kaden and once they found him, he was going to unleash hell upon him. He knew Dante was already doing his best but he just couldn't sit around.

"Ariella, just relax. I promise you this will all get better and time heals everything. Just focus on getting healthy again." Aaron leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"When am I getting discharged?"

"Soon, the doctors said maybe four or five days more." Elaine replied.

Elaine helped her adjust back into a lying position.

"I will move in with Dalton. I can't go back that place" Ariella muttered referring to the apartment she and Kaden owned in Boston. Dalton's heart soared at that and he smiled at her.

"I will make sure everything is ready for you to move in." Dalton said and walked out.

"It will all work out baby girl" Elaine whispered as she kissed Ariella and caressed her hair.

Aaron looked at his wife and daughter. He wasn't going to let anything harm his family again. He was going to make sure Dalton understood this.

Dalton walked into the washroom and looked at his reflection. His black hair was a mess; he badly required a cut and his emerald green eyes looked tired. He turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind and slammed against a wall.

"What the f—" But he shut his mouth when he saw who it was.

"Listen to me Reynolds. I have agreed to this because Elaine has faith in you but I don't. I trust her judgment when it comes to you but I don't trust you. I don't believe any damn love you profess for my daughter because look what your best friend did. He promised her his heart and marriage and look where that has left her, so unless and until you prove that you are indeed different from Kaden, I will not trust you. You hurt her and I swear to god, you will curse the day you were born." Aaron pushed him and stepped back, his body trembling with anger.

Dalton fixed his collar and straightened up.

"I will not say anything but only prove that I will indeed love Ariella till my last breath and be by her side if she accepts me." Dalton said, his voice steeled with confidence.

Aaron glared at him but without another word stalked out of the washroom.

A week later Ariella was discharged from the hospital. During that week Dalton had purchased a penthouse property. It was nearby to the hospital and also the private clinic of the OB GYN Dr. Denise Arquette.

On the day of the discharge they had meetings with both Dr. Prescott, the psychiatrist and Dr. Denise. Ariella would have to come in for therapy thrice a week. Dr. Denise had explained all the precautions and warning signs and Dalton had listened with rapt attention. He had also purchased various books on pregnancy and child health but no one needed to know about that. Dr. Denise had wished them well and had asked them to come in for an ultrasound in a week.

They left the hospital and Ariella drove with her parents while Dalton followed them in his to the penthouse.

Dante had sent in one of his real estate guys and lawyer to clear out and sell the apartment that Kaden had. Dalton had come in to take Ariella's belongings and was shocked to see the condition of the room that she shared with Kaden. The apartment was now sold and in the past.

Dalton led them all to the private elevator. Elaine helped Ariella settle in and organized her medications. Aaron hovered around while Dalton tried to maintain distance. He introduced Ariella to the household staff, the housekeeper Mrs. Kathy and the drivers.

Aaron and Elaine left in the evening.

"Remember what I said" Aaron had warned him before leaving.

Dalton watched the elevator doors close and waved back too Elaine, avoiding Aaron's glare.

The real test of his love for Ariella had just begun.

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