Chapter Twenty Six

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"Sienna is not pregnant!"

Dalton paused, his fist mid air but he connected it with Aidden's jaw and thrust him back, sending him stumbling into a coffee table.

"That is no fucking reason to not beat the shit out of him." Dalton growled as he turned to face Ariella. He grabbed Sienna by the arm as she reached out to Aidden who was struggling to get up.

"Don't you dare" He grit out.


"Sienna, don't push my limits" Dalton said "He should be man enough to face his responsibilities. It does not fucking matter if you are pregnant or not. He should have been there for you regardless of the end results. The fact that you are here crying and scared sure does reflect on the way he treats his relationship with you. I will not let you be with a man who does not appreciate you or supports you"

"Enough" Sienna said as jerked her arm out of her grasp. "We are both adults in a relationship and we can sort out our own problems. I came here because he didn't take the news well and I understand that, I also didn't handle it well. Ariella was the first person that came to my head and I came here. It is not like he was going to leave me. It just took us by shock. We are not prepared for any of this and we are still working on our relation." Sienna said as she helped Aidden up who was a bit dazed after slamming his head against the table.

Aidden opted to remain silent and take the beating because he knew he deserved it. He should have held Sienna and told her they would figure it all out, instead he had given a blank look and had slammed the apartment door on his way out. Only upon arriving back home after an hour did he realize the mistake he had made, especially when he saw Sienna's note on the table stating not to expect her home for the night and she needed her space.

Ariella kept quiet as she watched Sienna and Aidden leave with Dalton still on the edge of committing a murder. She silently walked after them.

"We need to talk. Soon" She said to Aidden who nodded in response and winced when that movement tilted the floor.

"Take care of yourself and take him to an ER" She said to Ariella as she squeezed her hand, letting it go as the doors slid close.


"I am not in the mood to talk." Ariella threw at him and stalked off towards her room.

She was pissed.

"Damn it" He cursed and followed her. He almost got a black eye as she pushed the door close on her way in but he thrust his foot out, stopping it.


"I said I am not in the mood or are you going to throw me against a table as well? And since when are you the one for talking?"

Dalton winced at her words.

"I know I should have handled the situation better but she's my kid sister."

"And that is my brother! I know he can be an idiot but do you really think he would have left Sienna in that condition? They are both young and got scared but instead of talking to them you beat the living lights out of Aidden and told Sienna you wouldn't let her be with him!"

"I am---"

"No! You should have listened to Sienna and then should have talked to Aidden because that is what civilized people do and okay one swing at him would have been fine but you were throwing him around like a rag doll."

Ariella walked in to the closet and grabbed an overnight bag.

"Jesus, Ari, now what?"

"I am going to their place. I need to make sure Aidden is okay and Sienna would want someone to be there because Aidden wouldn't really be any help, all thanks to you" Ariella threw in a few needed clothes, topping it with her toiletry kit and zipped the bag shut.

"I will see you tomorrow"

"Ari, don't." Dalton reached out to her

"Dalton, I need space. We are still getting to know each other and yes we are heading somewhere but this side of you...I need to get my head around it and right now Aidden needs me."

Dalton pulled his hand back and felt like it had been burnt.

He simply nodded and took her bag. He escorted her to the car and asked the driver to drop her off at Sienna's.

He watched as the tail lights of the car disappeared as it sped out of the parking garage.

He had put his heart right out there for her and after giving him such light of hope, she had trampled on that light. He understood they were getting to know each other but walking out on something she did not like in him was not an option. He damn well knew he was not perfect and had his own faults. He had lost his temper and had every right to when it came to seeing his kid sister hurt. He would not let her experiment with his heart; either she could be all in or leave him. He was done hanging in between. 

I know a short one but I hoped you enjoyed it.

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