Chapter Eleven

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"What?" Aidden exclaimed

"I am not her fiancée" Dalton said; numbness settled in his chest.

"Her fiancée is not here" Sienna said as she glanced at her brother. She knew he had feelings for Ariella because the past one month he has been upset and unapproachable like he was hurting.

"Alright. I assume the fiancé is also the father?" The doctor looked at some reports and then looked back at the trio.

"Yes he is" Aidden answered, clenching his teeth. If only he could get his hands on Kaden.

"Is anyone of you her immediate family?"

"I am her brother"

"Then please come with me"

Aidden nodded and followed but Dalton grabbed his arm.

"Can I come?" Dalton asked

"Sure..." Aidden frowned but hurriedly followed the doctor.

The doctor led them to a conference room.

"Please sit down"

Aidden sat down but Dalton simply stood.

"Can you please tell what is wrong" Aidden asked as he twisted his hands.

"The patient is almost two months pregnant. The main concern is the amount of alcohol in her body."

"Jesus, tetratogenesis" Aidden said, worried.


"Can you speak English" Dalton ground out.

"Alcohol has negative effect on a growing fetus especially during the first three months when the organs are developing. It can hinder the growth or lead to malformation of organs. Moreover in this case it seems to be uncontrolled excessive drinking which is most probably associated with stress. So taking in all these factors her pregnancy is much compromised. At present we are pumping her stomach to remove all the alcohol she has consumed in the past few hours. "

"What is the treatment plan from here onwards?" Aidden asked. Dalton clenched and unclenched his hands. As if what she was dealing with right now wasn't enough.

"We need to put her blood on transfusion, a process to remove the alcohol from blood. Then we will put her on medications to strengthen her immune system and detox her body. Added on to this would be the very closed monitoring of her pregnancy and therapy on regular basis. We have already consulted the OB GYN and a call has been sent for a psychiatrist. "

"Is alright?" Dalton asked.

"So far nothing serious has come up except for elevated heartbeat which is now under control. We still have some tests to run so proper confirmation can be given after those. However for the time being she needs to be hospitalized."

"For how long?" Aidden asked as he glanced at his phone. His father was calling him.

"Until her case is properly managed and further course of treatment discussed and decided. We need to keep her condition constantly monitored."

The doctor looked at the two men who were now pale and anxious.

"So any other questions?"

"No. Thank you" Dalton said

"Alright. I will send in a nurse so she can help you start with the process of hospitalization and fill out some more forms. We will then shift her to an ICU from the emergency and take it from there. Just have me paged if you have any questions"

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