Chapter Twenty Eight

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Dalton groaned as he rolled over. His head was about to split open. He smelled of whisky and...whip cream. He grabbed his phone to check the time when he a saw a message.

"Hey, last night was great but it was the last. You need to sort out your problems whatever they are. It is my policy to stay away from stuff like that. Wishing you well"

He read Jessica's text and flashes from last night and this morning came back. He had gotten drunk well into the morning, remembering the drink he took when he woke up and then he remembered some whip cream and strawberries. He rubbed his temples. It was afternoon and he had no idea what the hell happened late last night and this morning. He did remember being hurt and angry after Ariella left and he also knew she had lied to him but it blurred after that. The fact he was drinking whiskey neat wasn't helpful.

He needed to talk to Ariella...he couldn't let her keep on pushing him away and walk out on him.

Ariella...Was she here this morning? He tried hard to recall. He didn't remember the last time he got so drunk that he forgot the events of that time.

He got up and stumbled to the washroom where he pushed two Advil with water down his throat.

Was Ariella home? He walked back to his room and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and walked out.

He froze when he saw Ariella sitting on the floor by the foyer, wrapped in a blanket.


Ariella looked at him. His eyes were bloodshot and guilt ridden. He looked haunted.

"I don't remember...I know Jessica...was here..." he glanced at the living room and cursed. It was obvious what happened here.

"You didn't sleep with her"


"You didn't have sex with her on our living room floor."

Dalton walked into the foyer and sat down against the opposite wall from where Ariella was sitting.

"She told me that when she left"

Ariella had gone to her room after finally being able to lift her from the floor but she couldn't sit still in her room knowing he was with her in room across the hall from her but she couldn't will herself to walk out either so she had grabbed a blanket and sat in the foyer, not knowing why but she did. A moment later Jessica had walked out dressed in her own clothes.

"I know this won't make a difference but for what it is worth, nothing happened last night, he was too drunk and kept repeating your name over and over again. I am sorry" with that Jessica had disappeared behind the elevator doors.

"You were too drunk last night...nothing happened. She told me that before she left"

"You are still here..." He looked at her...her eyes were swollen from crying.

"I am equally responsible for what happened here. I am not justifying you having a woman over even if you didn't sleep with her but she was half naked in your lap when I walked in. I do not know when I will be ready to forgive you for that"

"I don't remember anything...except her being here...I think you coming in, in morning and before saying you needed were at the hotel and not with Aidden and Sienna."

"That is why I am saying I am equally responsible. I walked out on you instead of talking to you about things I was not comfortable about...I lied to you about my whereabouts"


"I love you Dalton Reynolds and the twisted part is I realized it when I saw you with her, the pain I felt, it was worse than what I felt when Kaden left me because what I feel for you, it is nowhere near what I felt for Kaden."

Dalton stood up and took a step towards her.

"Please...don't touch me"

"Ari...I don't even know what to say...I am sorry..."

"So am I..."

"You are in shock" Dalton muttered as he looked at her closely. He was thinking of calling Dr. Denise.

"No, I am not. There were no boundaries before. It was all a blur. You were in love with me..."

"I am in love with you Ariella, it is not past tense"

Ariella nodded and continued "I said I thought I was falling in love with you and it was a blur...we were bringing a child together into this world. A big mess"

"But now Dalton, I know I love you and I also know you love me but I don't trust you...and I am sure you don't trust me either at this point, when I will walk out again...We have found love but not trust"

"Ari...we need to get you off this floor. Come on" Dalton reached for her.

"I said don't touch me and you must think I am rambling but I am not. This is the most sense I have made so far of our situation. You loved me knowing I was still in love with your best friend and pregnant with his told me you would wait but I pushed it...I am also at fault...again I am not justifying your actions last night and neither are mine justified when it came to last night but...The thing is we love each other but we are back to square one...we need to build trust and work on our relationship."

"Ariella, you should get off the floor"

"I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME!" She yelled at him and sprang to her feet. She stalked out of the foyer and moment later her heard her door slam shut.

Dalton slid back down to the floor. What was this?

He knew he was not forgiven for what happened last night and he didn't expected to be. At this moment he wasn't sure how he felt about her actions last night anymore. Yes he was hurt but...her behavior...her confession that she loved him and he had hurt her worse than Kaden...He was expecting her too walk out on him... never too see his face again...or yell at him...throw stuff at him but this was not reaction he was expecting. It left him in shock and worried.

He knew this was the calm before the storm and the worst was yet to come and also he deserved every single part of it.

So how is this?

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