Interview Twenty-Nine

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Bluestar: sup kiddos and welcome back to the best show on TV!

Camera cat: '101 Ways To Kill A Cat' ???

Bluestar: No you idiot! Welcome to the wonderful, 'How Did You Die?'

Camera cat: You call this the best TV show? All you do is chase poor cats around and make sad references to movies nobody has ever heard of.

Bluestar: I object-

Camera cat: jUST get on with it, this is torture to watch

Bluestar: Okay! Today we will be interviewing...

*Bluestar lookings down at the note cards in her paws*

Bluestar: what no wait objection help save me MUM *runs away*

*The security guards tackle Bluestar and hold her against the ground*


Security cat: good thing you're dead :D *activates teleportation device*

Bluestar: frick- *disappears*

Meanwhile, in the Dark Forest...

Bluestar: *swears* I knew I shouldn't have signed that StarClan-forsaken contract...

???: What the heccin do you want peasant

Bluestar: ooooohhhh heeeyyyy Thistleeeeclllaaaawwww

Thistleclaw: What-

Bluestar: THEY MADE ME!

Thistleclaw: What are you doing here you filthy son of a foxheart's rabbit-

Bluestar: wow I appreciate you too Thistleclaw

Thistleclaw: did you really think I'd be happy to see you?

Bluestar: If it makes you feel any better I didn't want to see you either

Thistleclaw: *scoffs*

Bluestar: soooooooooo how did you die?

Thistleclaw: are you mocking me you flea-ridden mother heckin-

Bluestar: WOAH, OK, calm child

Thistleclaw: I don't have time for this! I need to go invade- I mean have a lovely chat with StarClan

Bluestar: Nevah

Thistleclaw: fite me


Thistleclaw: Bluestar I lo-

Bluestar: YOU LOVE ME???

Thistleclaw: No you pile of vole-scraps I loathe you with every burning essence of my dead soul

Bluestar: mood

Thistleclaw: *shoves out of the way* Off you run little mouse

Bluestar: *looks back*

Security cat: *nods*

Bluestar: I'm out

Bluestar: <o/ dab

Sup people of the internet it's your totally favorite Admin Moon back at chu with another chapter! I really hope you enjoyed this one! (fun fact: I wrote this during archery practice)

P.S. Ever wanted to write for CG yourself? Well, good news! We're currently accepting Admin applications so if you're at all interested go find the informational message on our conversations board. I love reading all your applications, the passion you have for our account is utterly amazing and I can't wait to welcome a few of you onto the team. Until next time, see ya!

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