Interview Fifteen

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Bluestar: Hello, and welcome to How Did You Die! Today, I'm here with Ashfur, who was sent...ah, contravesially, to StarClan.

Ashfur: hi :/

Bluestar: Ashfur, can you tell us how you died?

Ashfur: Hollyleaf killed me.

Bluestar: ...

Ashfur: What? That's what happened.

Bluestar: Detail?

Ashfur: You want me to go into gory detail?

Bluestar: No, no. That's not what I meant--

Ashfur: Because I can.

Bluestar: No that's NOT what I meant--

Ashfur: Because seriously, it was brutal and sudden and--

Bluestar: ASHFUR! I just wanted some circumstances! Or something!

Ashfur: Eh, you already know them. Everyone hates me for them :/ bai

Bluestar: cut.....

guess who xD

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