Interview Twenty-Seven

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Bluestar: *knocks on door* Hello is anyone home?

Appledusk: No one is home!

Bluestar: Appledusk, I know you're in there. Could I have a minute to ask you some questions?

Appledusk: No, thank you.

Bluestar: Pleaseeeee

Appledusk: Fine *opens door* What do you want?

Bluestar: May I come in to interview you?

Appledusk: Fine, go ahead ask me the questions.

Bluestar: Do you still like Mapleshade?

Appledusk: Heck no she killed me and she's apart of the Dark Forest why would I ever??//?/?/

Bluestar: What's your name?

Appledusk: You are supposed to ask that question first because then the audience knows who I am.

Bluestar: Oh they'll know.

Appledusk: Alright? What else? *rolling eyes*

Bluestar: Do you like your kits?

Appledusk: Yeah...they are lit I guess.

Patchkit: I was lit on fire and that's why I jumped in the river in the first place.

Appledusk: Aw Patchkit that's not what happened...erm. You're cool I guess, do you want me to teach you and your siblings some cool terms?

Patchkit: YES

Bluestar: Why are there children here...

Petalkit: Patchkit is learning stuff with Appledusk. I want to learn! PICK ME! PICK ME!!!

Bluestar: Oh dear, there are more kits.

Larchkit: Petalkit!! Wait up! I thought we were still playing mouse and warrior!

Petalkit: *bumps into Patchkit* HEY!

Larchkit: *bumps into Petalkit* Why did you stop-

Appledusk: Settle down my kits.

Bluestar: *sits in the back and listens while jotting notes*

Appledusk: lmfao lmao rawr xD

Patchkit: What are you doing!?!? You're hurting the readers by making them cringe.

Appledusk: Smh Patchkit, the readers don't care

Petalkit: So Mapleshade hated you?

Appledusk: Of course it doesn't mean that. It means shaking my head.

Patchkit: But it's true, Mapleshade hated you.

Appledusk: Yes she did, okay? I don't remember the detai-

Larchkit: *looking at Bluestar* What does idk mean?

Bluestar: Child, I don't know.

Larchkit: You're no help, hmmph. Appledusk, what does idk mean?

Appledusk: I don't know, Larchkit.

Larchkit: No cat knows? You're all useless

Appledusk: *facepaw*

Petalkit: Where's mama?

Patchkit: She's in hell, Petalkit.

Appledusk: LANGUAGE Patchkit, sit on the time-out rock.

Patchkit: *grumbles* Noooooo!

Bluestar: *finishes writing* Harsh. Well, I got most of my info, Bluestar out. PEACE!

Appledusk: Don't leave me with the kits, they are ripping my sanity apart!!!

*door closes, locking Appledusk with his kits*

Whisper is back! Thank you to Feather for editing!

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