Interview Eleven

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Bluestar: *Magically pops into the Dark Forest* Hello everybody and welcome to another interview at THE DARK FOREST *dun dun duuuuuuuunnnnn*

Camera Cat Whitestripe: can't we go to StarClan? We do live there for a reason

Bluestar: No peasant! Besides :D I wanna go bug Snowtuft

Snowtuft: Did I hear my name?

Bluestar: Yes! Welcome to Bluestar's Blues Clues! How did you die?

Snowtuft: No idea

Bluestar: You must have some idea

Snowtuft: Nope.

Bluestar: You gotta

Snowtuft: I have no idea

Bluestar: How do you not know how you died? You're a disappointment peasant. 

Snowtuft: >:) goo- I mean, *cough* oops

Bluestar: Well then make something up. YOU CAN'T DISAPPOINT THE KITS

Kits: YEA

Snowtuft: Well a unicorn came from the sky and told me that I was going to die and that I must kill the dragon. So I went to find the dragon and ran into LeopardClan on the way, the dragon had much treasure so I said if they helped me I would share it with them :D. We killed the dragon and when they were feasting in victory I poisoned all their food and took all the treasure for myself. After that I realized I have eaten a crow I poisoned and I dropped dead in minutes :) pretty darn cool, right?

Bluestar: ...

Kits: -_-


Bluestar: *facepaw* welp. I guess that's it for today.

Snowtuft: But I haven't finished x(

Bluestar: Er... *whispers to Whitestripe* Get him a medicine cat, he's delusional *Looks back at Snowtuft with wide eyes* Uh bye!

Snowtuft: >:(

Oi! Hello! Moony here with this update, hope you enjoy! Though it probably wasn't very funny, ;;^;; It's 2 am and I'm tired, goodnight and happy reading!

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