Interview Twenty-Eight

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Bluestar is on her phone as the camera pans across the stage.

Ravenpaw: Um, Bluestar?

Bluestar: *looks up and groans* Oh, what the StarClan do you want?

Ravenpaw: I'm going to turn off the wi-fi if you don't start the show right now.

Bluestar: *grumbles* Fine... *tucks her phone away* Hi. Welcome to How Did You Die?, the stupid show about stupid cats who died in stupid ways. So... today we're here to have Ravenpaw on the show.

Ravenpaw: I didn't sign a waiver, you can't make me do anything.

Bluestar: But I can fire you if you don't come onto the stage right now.

Ravenpaw: Do you even have the position to do that? 

Bluestar: *pulls out her phone and narrows her eyes* If you don't get your shiny lil' butt up here right now, I'm going to hit this exactly on your little camera's lenses. I bet that's not cheap. *laughs*

Off-stage still, Ravenpaw lets out a small moan of pain. Begrudgingly, he enters onto the stage, padding up to the chair next to Bluestar.

Ravenpaw: Okay, hi. Put the phone done, please.

Bluestar: *grumbles again and tucks the phone away, again*

Ravenpaw: Hi. I'm Ravenpaw.

Bluestar: How did you die?

Ravenpaw: Cancer, according to the Warriors wiki.

Rio's never read the mangas or that weird short story or wherever he died in. She doesn't even like the new Warrior books. 

Bluestar: Cool. What's your favorite meme?

Ravenpaw: Pardon me? *squints at her*

Bluestar: Meme. 

Ravenpaw: I... I don't have one.

Bluestar: Here's my favorite! *brings up the image on her phone and shows it to Ravenpaw*

Bluestar: Here's my favorite! *brings up the image on her phone and shows it to Ravenpaw*

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Ravenpaw: That's terrifying.

Bluestar: *grins* Thanks! Anyways, thanks for watching the sh-

Ravenpaw: *interrupts* Hey, we can't be done yet. And put your phone away.

Bluestar: Fine. *grumbles as she tucks her phone away* Last question. Are you gay?

Ravenpaw: I'd prefer not to answer that.

Bluestar: but the fangirls want to know, Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw: *through his teeth* That's a personal detail that I'd rather not share on live television.

Bluestar: You're so mean :(

Ravenpaw: I try, thanks.

The screen cuts to black.

by rio

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