The Days After Everything

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Admittedly, it wasn't easy, not right from the beginning. I did

have my bad days. I did still miss Klara. I did still cry myself to sleep

when I wished she was there with me, holding me in her arms and telling

me that everything was going to be okay. Those days did grow gradually

father and farther apart, though, until they completely ceased to exist.

I had spend my first few years out of high school in community

college. It took me three years to move to a university. I met a lot of great

friends, dated other girls, and more importantly, came out as the lesbian I

knew I was all along. It felt good to solidify it, to give myself the actual


I spent the years after that working on getting my bachelor's

degree from a university that wasn't too far from home. I found out a lot

about myself in that environment, as Klara had. I even went on to get my

masters degree, something I had once never even thought about doing.

After that I debated getting doctorate, but I never did get around to it.

Once I was done with school I found myself doing odd jobs here

and there. There was a time when I worked at a flower shop, until I

realized I hated arranging the flowers. There was a time when I worked

in a restautant as a cook, but sweating in a kitchen all day was something

I soon learned I didn't want to do for too long. I had also worked for an

editor who owned her own business that she ran from home. My love of

reading had really helped out with that one, but in the long run it wasn't

something I could make a career off of.

In the end I decided to settle upon the world of used clothing and

accessories. Where I was from there weren't always a lot of great

shopping places for people that didn't have such high incomes. I ended

up starting my own little store where I would take donations of used

clothes, shoes, bags, jewelery, and even unused perfume and beauty

prodects that people just didn't want. I figured since I earned a degree in

business, this was the best thing for me. I needed to be my own boss.

Although, I did co-own the place with one of my close friends.

I had even met a lovely woman though my work. She was a

regular customer. It seemed like she came into the shop every weekend.

Eventually we got to talking and she admitted that part of the reason she

kept coming in was because she thought I was cute. We hit it off really

well. We started going out for coffee, and then movies, and then random

adventures around town.

A few years into our relationship she moved in with me. We got a

cat. He was a big, fluffy, brown cat that we appropriately named Chewie.

It seemed like my feelings for Klara were no longer at the forefront of

my mind. In fact, we still talked, but not too often. We never did get the

chance to meet up again. Things were good, though. Life was good. I was


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