Tuesday, June 24, 2008

34 5 0

It only took a week and one day. The poem was hidden in my

jewelry box, which I had mistakenly believed was a good idea, but Alice

found it. Being the curious girl she was, she immediately ran down stairs,

waved the unfolded paper around, and asked very loudly if it was from


"I was just looking for a neclace that I could borrow to go with

my dress and I found this in there. Did he write it? It's so cute!"

Everyone's eyes were on me. To my horror, and Klara's, Alice

started to read it out loud when prompted by my father. I buried my face

in one of our plush couch pillows, and kept it there even after she was


When I chanced a peek over at Klara I saw that her eyes were

intently drawn to the floor. She started picking at some imaginary thread

or piece of lint. My mother gushed about the poem.

"Sounds like you and this Erik kid our getting pretty serious,"

said my father. "Don't you think it's about time we meet him?"

I was mortified.

"Yeah!" Alice cheered. "Bring him here! I want to meet him. He

sounds so nice!"

Caleb and Timothy only laughed.

"What's so funny?" Anna asked. "I want to meet this guy too."

Caleb shook his head.

"You'd never catch me writing a poem like that to a girl," he

answered. "That was the sappiest thing I've ever heard. Are you sure he's

really a boy?"

I choked on my own spit.

"Now, now," my mother jumped in. "It sounds like Sadie has

found a nice, sensitive boy who knows how to express his feelings.

There's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah," Anna agreed. "And maybe you could actually get a

girlfriend if you were more like Erik."

My heart felt like it was going to tear right through my chest. We

needed to end this comversation. Now.

"Invite him over for dinner one night, Hon," my mother

instructed. "We'd love to have him over."

"He's pretty busy," I argued.

"The boy can't be busy every single night of summer," my father

countered. "And if he is, one night off won't hurt him. Invite him over."

The Sun Shines Brightest in June (Completed) gxgOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora