Saturday, August 25, 2007

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Most of the days leading up to our last full day together were spent walking Ringo, playing games with our families, swimming, taking road trips into town so I could practice my driving, and generally keeping up our appearances with our families so we wouldn't be questioned too much.

However, on this last full day that we were together, neither of us felt like joining the others down by the lake. While everyone else was spending the last day swimming and playing and spending time with each other, Klara and I spent time alone, in our room, a good distance away form everyone else. We locked the door and snuggled up in her bed.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I told her. "I hate that the end of summer seems to come so fast."

She ran a hand through my hair.

"Me too."

We were tangled together, kissing, and things were heating up pretty quickly. I had made up my mind. There was one thing I knew for sure, one thing I couldn't deny was true. I pulled away from Klara and looked her right in the eye.

"I love you, Klara."

She broke out into a huge smile. Her face grew red.

"I love you too, Sadie."

"Then let's not wait any longer," I said.

She seemed to be taken by surprise.

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"I mean... I love you, and it only seems right that my first time be with the person that I love. I don't need to wait any longer. I've already found you."

She smiled again.

"Only if you're one-hundred percept sure."

I nodded.

"I am."

"Good," she said."Because I want my first time to be with the girl I love too. You."    

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