Tuesday, June 15, 2004

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It was our first big storm. There had been rain before, but this time there was more. The TV beeped and buzzed in warning, the skies were quickly growing dark as clouds rolled in, and the wind had picked up considerably. All of us sat inside, huddled on the couch with candles dimly lighting the room. It was a tradition for our family to do this. Thunderstorms were better with all the lights off so you could really see the lightning.

Anna complained that she had a hard time finding her way around the house, while Alice had to be constantly peeled from the large patio window.

"It's not safe," my mother told her. "You need to stay away from there."

"I just wanted to get a better look," she said. "I want to see the actual lightning bolt."

At some point my dad got up and took a candle to the kitchen. He came back with snacks and drinks, laying them out on the coffee table in front of us. I grabbed a soda for me, and one for Klara and sat back. She leaned her head on my shoulder.

As the skies turned black and the wind howled, the lightning finally came. It flashed fast and bright, followed by a crack of thunder that made the ground shake. The sound of rain pounding down on the rooftop was steady. It dripped in a few places as it fell from the roof. I never understood how anyone could be afraid of something like a thunderstorm. Nature was beautiful, even in the dark, and the sounds that it made were like music to my ears.

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