Year Four Saturday, June 4, 2005

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I was finally a teenager, just like Klara. I had dated a boy, I had gotten my first period, and I could finally fit into a real bra, although, to be perfectly honest, I could only just barely fit into it. I was teetering on the line between the children's section and the junior's, taking a dip in both from time to time. What section I could shop in seemed to depend on the store I was in. Either way, I could wear real bras now, so that was good enough for me.

My heart was pounding upon our return to the summerhouse that year. All I could think about was seeing Klara, and how much I hoped that everything would be normal between us again. I was fairly certain that would be the case, but I couldn't erase all of the doubt.

We pulled up out front to see Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs in the process of carrying their belongings from their car to the house. The kids were nowhere in sight.

"Where's Timothy?" Caleb asked as he jumped out of our vehicle.

Mr. Jacobs smiled and waved to my parents before smiling down at Caleb.

"Out back," he answered. "We brought a little surprise for everyone."

Caleb and I looked at each other, our eyes wide, and then we ran. Anna and Alice followed shortly behind once they figured out there was something going on worth getting excited about. We headed to the backyard.

When we got there we were out of breath. Klara and Timothy were sitting on the ground petting something fluffy and white. As we got closer, Anna and Alice shrieked with excitement.

"It's a PUPPY!" Alice practically screamed.

We walked up cautiously and sat down in the grass next to Timothy, Klara, and the ball of fur rolling in the grass. Klara smiled as I took my place next to her.

"He's a Husky/Labrador mix," she informed me. "Nine months old. We just got him a couple of weeks ago and my father decided that we couldn't possibly leave him home with a sitter or anything like that. So, here he is. His name is Ringo."

"Cool," I said. "He's adorable. Will he be coming with you guys every summer then?"

She nodded.

"That's what it looks like."

"He's so soft," Alice noted as she gave him a big hug. "You guys are so lucky."

"Yeah," Anna added. "I wish we could get a dog. Then they could have play dates every summer."

Our parents were just stepping out of the back door as we all stood up. When my mother and father saw Ringo they both gave Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs the kind of look that said "you're crazy," but then they broke out into smiles and joined us down on the lawn.

Everything I had been nervous about had disappeared now that I had something to focus on. How could I possibly be panicked and tense when I had such a lovable, adorable puppy rolling around in the grass in front of me? I found myself surprisingly thankful for their decision to get a dog. 

The Sun Shines Brightest in June (Completed) gxgDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora