Tuesday, August 3, 2004

39 5 0

My mother realized something was up.

"You two have barely talked this entire summer so far," she mentioned as we stood in the kitchen preparing lunch together. "Did you have a fight or something?"

"Something like that," I admitted.

"What was it about?"

How was I supposed to answer that? I wasn't about to tell my mother that we fought over differing feelings about the kiss we had shared. I wasn't sure she'd quite understand. I had to think of something else.

"It's... it's nothing. Just some stupid little thing."

She handed me a spoon and told me to mix chopped up fruit and whipped cream into strawberry Jell-o for everyone's favorite Jell-o salad. I dumped everything in and accidently let some overflow out of the big bowl as I mixed, right onto the counter.

"Well I'm sure you guys will make up soon. Is it anything you'd like to talk about?"

I shook my head once she glanced over at me.

"It won't matter anyway," I mumbled quietly. "Klara will still be mad at me."

She raised an eyebrow. I had said too much.

"She's mad at you? Did you say or do something to cause this?"


"I guess I said something she didn't want to hear, but it was stupid. I didn't know she'd react the way she did. I thought she would agree with me."

"Did you apologize for whatever it was?" she asked.

"Yeah. I mean I tried. She just won't listen."

She was quiet for a long moment as she walked over to the bowl I was still mixing and looked in.

"I think that's good enough," she finally said. "You can go put it in the fridge."

I walked over and opened the fridge door. There was a lot of food in there already, so I had to do a bit if rearranging, but eventually I found a spot for my bowl of Jell-o salad.

"Anything else you'd like me to help with?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Nope. That should just about do it." There was a long pause. "And Sadie... try not to worry too much. Whatever it was that you said, Klara will come around. I doubt something so small is going to ruin the strong friendship that you two already share."

I smiled half-heartedly. I wanted to believe her, really, I did. I just wasn't sure if I could at the time.

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