Saturday, August 1, 2009

31 5 0

The anniversary of Klara's small eighteen birthday celebration

was here. It seemed like so long ago, a lot longer than a year. Everything

had seemed okay back then. I guess things aren't always the way they

appear to be.

I called Klara that day. I couldnt' help it. She may not have loved

me the way that I loved her, but I didn't want to lose her out of my life

completely. My mother was right. She could still be a friend. I still

wanted her to be a friend.

We talked about our lives. She left out of she was seeing anyone

or not. We didn't talk about anything like that. We just caught up on

normal every day things. She said she hoped we could meet up again

some day. Of couse, I agreed, even though I knew it might be hard for


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