Did He Just Say What I Think He Said?

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April 25, 2012—Eastern Conference Quarterfinals—Game 7

I sat back in my stall as I wrapped my right ankle up. I groaned as I got to the end of wrapping it. I had a high ankle sprain from two games prior but there was no way in hell I was going to miss this game. We had to win this game in order to move onto the next round and become closer towards winning the Stanley Cup. 

I stood up and placed my jersey on and looked around the locker room once more before grabbing my helmet and walking out into the hallway to see my teammates making their way up the tunnel. As I got closer towards the tunnel there stood Looch and Timmy for it was our little ritual that they were always the last two to leave. I smiled and fist bumped both men. 

“Come on let’s win this thing.” 

Timmy smiled and placed his hand on my back as we walked up the tunnel and as soon as we did the whole arena was filled with screams and applause. I walked over to the bench and looked around at the fans. These are the people who have faith in us and believe in us as a team. Heck if it wasn’t for the fans we would be nothing but the matter of it all is that they aren’t just fans; they are a part of the Bruin family. And this fact gave me the extra boost to not let them down. I did not want to lose this game especially not tonight of all nights. 

1st Period—Washington: 1 Boston: 0—6:20 

I sat on the benched pissed off more than ever that the Capitals had just scored a goal. And no matter how many times we shot at their net Holtby always found a way to block it, he was a good goalie no doubt about it. I grabbed my Gatorade bottle and squirted it on my face. I let out a heavy sigh after seeing us fail at another goal opportunity. 

“You alright Army?” Thornton asked me as he got back from a change. 

I looked at him “We need to play harder. More hits on the Capitals will tire them out.” 

Thorty drank some of his Gatorade “Why is this starting to kick in?” 

“They came here to win and so didn’t we. Now the only way these Caps will have a victory is if they fight their hardest.” I placed my helmet on “And against us they are going to have to fight five times harder.” 

I jumped over the half wall and skated onto the ice to join the rest of my teammates as we waited for the puck to drop. I watched as Tyler went to the face-off zone, even though we are in a relationship, we do not act like boyfriend and girlfriend on the ice. We are teammates when we work and are boyfriend and girlfriend outside of the arena. 

Finally the puck dropped and Tyler ended up losing the faceoff to Semin. Semin passed the puck to Hendricks, the Cap player who scored the goal and my new target. Hendricks took his time skating but before he could even get out of his zone I checked him into the boards. It was a clean hit but it gave the message to him that I was going to play hard.

The Garden bursting with cheers as Hendricks hit the ice. After he fell I stole the puck and went charging at their net. I took a shot at the net however Holtby covered the puck. The ref blew his whistle and as soon as he did that was when Wideman came skating over to me. He gave me a little shove. 

“What the hell are you doing little girl?” He yelled. 

I scoffed and shoved Wideman with much more force, enough force that he stumbled to keep his balance. 

“What the hell is your problem man!? This is hockey and by now you should know that we play tough. Hell if you don’t like it then how about you trade that uniform in for a little tutu?” 

Wideman tried to come at me however Tyler immediately intervened and stood in front of me “You got a problem?” 

Wideman snorted “Yeah tell your little hoe to go back to women’s hockey.” 

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