Happy New Year

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December 31st, 2011—6:15 PM

I entered the American Airlines Center, after a much delayed flight. So I literally had to race to get changed and head out onto the ice, and break it in before the game. After speed-changing, I ran down the hall (which is hard to do in skates), and as I got to our bench area I was about to go onto the ice and join my team but I was stopped by our assistant coach Doug Houda.

“Lauren. How is your leg?”

“Alright. It’s still a little sore but it feels better.”

He nodded “Can you play tonight?”

I looked at him “I put my jersey on for a reason.”

He smirked “Okay, go hit the ice.”

I smiled and skated onto the ice. In less than five seconds of being on the ice I was attacked by a hug. My back hit the boards and as I looked I saw that it was Tyler.

“Can’t breathe Ty.”

Tyler looked at me and still didn’t release me from his grip. “Geez. I thought you were dead.”

“I texted you before my flight.”

“Yeah and you are over an hour and a half late. Who knows if the plane crashed or not. Besides you didn’t even play in the last game because you broke your leg over the break.”

I rolled my eyes “I did not break my leg, I just pulled my hamstring.”

“Whatever, you know what I mean.”

I loosened myself from Tyler’s grip and was able to get free. “I need to break the ice in.”

I began to skate around the rink and Tyler was right next to me “Now how exactly did you hurt yourself.”

“Wow. You got a short term memory.” I said as I made my first lap around the rink. But I decided to tell him again anyway. “My niece was running around outside at night, when she was supposed to be asleep. So I chased after her to make sure nothing bad was going to happen to her, and when I saw that she was in the street I bolted toward her. I got to her and as I was carrying her back to the house I accidently stepped in a pothole. I was falling forward but because I had my niece in my arms, I twisted my body around so that my back hit the ground. And once I hit the ground I felt a sharp pain shoot up my left leg.”

“Ohh” Tyler groaned.

I chuckled “Yeah, so I went to the doctor and it turned out that I had only pulled my hamstring, but she said that I needed at least four days of rest which meant I had to miss the last game. However you guys were still victorious, and won.”

Tyler nodded “You are so lucky that you didn’t tear that hamstring, or else you’d be out for the rest of the season.”

“I know, I sure did get lucky.”

As we made our third lap, Tyler said “So how was your break minus the injury part.”

 “It was great.” I laughed a little “My dad watched the game against the Panthers and he freaked when he saw us kiss.”

“So do I have to make sure your dad doesn’t come beat me up?”

I chuckled. “No. He thought that you were really my boyfriend, but I told him about how it was just a bet Bree and I made.”

After breaking in the ice, we stopped at the bench to drink some Gatorade. As I was drinking Tyler asked “So if I get a hat trick tonight does that mean I get to kiss you?”

Tyler began to laugh and I just scoffed and shoved him a little “Nooo!”

Tyler placed an arm around my shoulder “Oh I’m just kidding with you.”

I rolled my eyes “Yeah, yeah. Now let’s practice for the last twenty minutes before the game.”

Final—Boston: 4  Dallas: 2

We walked into the locker room, as happy as could be, after a great game.

“Now that is how to end the last game of 2011!” Thornton shouted

I smiled and sat down as I began to take off my gear. “Yeah, that’s right. It is now twelve wins in a row.” Lucic added.

I stopped and looked up “I can’t believe that in two hours it is going to be 2012.”

“That is why we are going to have a New Year’s Eve Party.” Brad said.

Tyler looked at Brad “Where exactly is this party going to be?”

“In the huge suite that we’re staying in.” Brad answered.

Tyler sighed “Well the last thing I want to do is ruin the suite.”

Brad chuckled “Don’t worry; it is not going to be a crazy party. We’re just going to have fun and enjoy the last day of the year.”

“Yeah let’s do that.” Horton agreed “We’ve been practicing hard for weeks, so let’s have some fun.”

As the guys were talking about the party, Brianna came into the locker room. Brad smiled and walked over to her as the duo shared a quick kiss. Yeah they have officially become girlfriend and boyfriend.

“We’re going to have a New Year’s Eve party, do you want to come?”

Bree scoffed “Duh! Of course I do. But I came in here to tell you guys who has been picked to play in the 2012 All-Star Game.”

“Geez I wonder who will be playing.” Campbell said sarcastically.

“They chose Z, Thomas and Tyler.”

The guys all applauded and I walked over to hug Tyler “Congratulations Seggy!”


I then walked over and congratulated Z and Timmy. After I was through with hugging Timmy, Bree went on to say “They also chose Lauren to play.”

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Bree “You liar.”

She chuckled “I’m not lying. I swear to god.”

As I stood there in shock, Timmy walked over and patted me on the back “Congrats Army. It looks like you’re making even more history.”

“Oh my god! I can’t believe it!”

“Well believe it.” Tyler said as he hugged me. “Way to go Lulu.”  

I smiled and looked at Tyler “Now tonight calls for a celebration.”

11: 15 PM

I walked into the suite and as soon as I did I saw that it was filled with a lot more people than I expected. While pushing my way through people I finally saw Lucic, Horton, and Bergy near the bar.

“Damn. Who the hell are all these people?”

Milan finished his drink “Players from the Stars and they brought some of their friends.”

“Yeah, puck sluts.”

Nathan chuckled “That’s true, but what is with this tight dress you are wearing?”

I looked down at my outfit “What? It’s a New Year’s Eve party and I want to look good.”

Lucic turned his head side to side “Horty is right, that dress is tight and your speed bumps are revealed too much. Here wear by coat.”

Milan tried to cover me with the jacket but I pushed his hand away. “Geez. Will you stop it? You guys need to relax, I’m nineteen years old and am allowed to wear what I want.”

“A lot of guys are going to be hitting on you if you’re dressed like that. And I don’t want to start the New Year having to beat up some bastard.”

I chuckled “Maybe I want to attract some new guys, and who knows I may have someone to kiss when the ball drops.”

I then went over and as I went to grab a beer, Horton immediately took it away from me “What are you doing?”

“Having a drink.”

“You’re nineteen years old Army, and are far too young to be drinking.”

I looked at Looch “Tyler is drinking.”

“He’s Canadian.”

I crossed my arms “Yeah but were in Texas, the drinking age is 21 here.” 

Nathan rolled his eyes “I don’t care, you aren’t drinking.”

“What the hell! It is not like I’m going to get freaking drunk like some of you have. I mean it is New Year’s Eve!”

“Just let her have a few drinks.” Bergy said as he stepped in “It is not like she is going to get drunk.”

“She’s nineteen.” Lucic stated.

“I know but its New Years and she found out that she is going to be in the All-Star game. Let her enjoy at least one night of celebration. She’s earned it.”

Nathan and Milan looked at each other before looking at me. Lucic let out a sigh “Fine. But don’t get drunk or leave this suite with a stranger.”

I laughed “Don’t worry I won’t.”

I grabbed a new beer and took it with me as I made myself back to the party.

 It was half an hour later and I was actually enjoying myself. I was talking to a guy named Ryan and he was getting some death stares from a few of my teammates. I simply ignored the guys and after I was done chitchatting with Ryan I went to go get another drink. As I was walking I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I squealed and as I spun around I saw that it was Tyler.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips “Oh thank god it’s you.”

Tyler chuckled “Who did you think I was?”

“I don’t know. I thought you were some drunken guy.”

“I’m not that drunk. Are you?”

I shook my head “No, I’m just a little buzzed.”

Tyler still had his arms around me and as we were looking at each other Usher’s song ‘Yeah’ began to play.

 “I like this song.”

I smiled “Want to dance?”

Tyler groaned “I don’t dance.”

“Oh come on!” I grabbed Tyler by the wrist and pushed to where people were dancing. I let go of Tyler’s wrist and wrapped my arms around his neck as I let my body go to the beat of the music. Tyler soon let loose and wrapped his arms around my waist to bring me closer to him.

I don’t know why I was even dancing with Tyler. I wasn’t the type of girl who pulled a guy to the dance floor; I guess that it was the alcohol that made me like this. But I didn’t even drink that much. As the song got more fast paced that is when the dancing got more intense between us.  Yet I liked it.

Finally the song ended and people began to depart as they got ready to watch the ball drop on the TV. Everyone headed to the living room and left Tyler and I alone in the back room.

“See you can dance.” I said as I was trying to catch my breath.

Tyler chuckled “So can you.” As he was catching his breath too, he looked down at my neck. “You’re wearing the necklace I got you.”

I looked down at the necklace “Yeah. I really love it and it goes really well with this outfit.” 

Tyler smiled “That dress looks great on you but it is the necklace that pulls it all together.”

I laughed and walked out onto the wrap around balcony that had a view of downtown Dallas. I rested against the rail and Tyler joined me. “It’s a nice view isn’t it?”

I nodded “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

“Well it is the second most beautiful view I see.” Tyler then looked at me.

I chuckled “That is the alcohol talking for you.”

Tyler shrugged “Maybe it is but you are looking beautiful.”

I looked at Tyler “You’re really drunk Ty.”

He laughed “Not that drunk.”

I smiled and looked back at the view. As I was looking at the view I heard everyone inside begin to countdown. Which meant the ball was about to drop. I decided to join in on the count down. “Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

As soon as I finished that was when the fireworks began to go off. “Happy New Yea-“

But I never got to finish my sentence as Tyler crashed his lips with mine. I felt my back hit the railing, as Tyler continued to kiss me. As he pulled away, I looked at him and he said “Happy New Years.”

Tyler released me and he began to walk back inside. As he was walking I called his name. Tyler stopped and that is when I came over to him and crashed my lips against his. Tyler’s back hit the wall however he wrapped his arms me as he intensified the kiss.  The kiss was a passionate one but it was a kiss that we both wanted. We stumbled across the room, miraculously not breaking from the kiss. Finally we disappeared from the party as we entered Tyler’s bedroom. 

Thanks for being so patient in waiting for this chapter, and thanks to those of you who commented on the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading ; ) 


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