"Well I am seriously considering it."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless. Mikey started wandering around the subway car and started to feel the vehicle like it was some kind of shiny, new toy. "What do you call this thing?" Blue asked and I looked up at Donnie in curiosity, as I was interested too. "Well," Donnie began to explain like an eager child showing off his latest drawing, "It's a Transaxle, Multi-Armored, Electromagnetic-"


Mikey was standing proudly with his fingers curled, resembling thick, green claws. We all stare at him oddly, and I raised an eyebrow at him, "What?" Donnie barked in confusion.

"The Shellraiser!" Mikey repeated enthusiastically. "It's the perfect name!"

The guys and I share a blank look. "That is the perfect name." Blue said bemusedly. I nodded in total agreement. Itdidkinda sound like a pretty awesome name. How does he come up with this stuff?

"Of course it is, bro! You guys always underestimate me-ooh, gum!" he cried yet again, diving for the gross piece of gum again. I scrunch my nose, making a quiet and disgusted sound. Doesn't he know where orwhothat came from? Disgusting.

Donnie led us inside the subway car, letting us take a good look at the Shellraiser. There were four stations for each of them; the driver's seat, some type of battle station, a map section, and a computer set-up at the back of the car.

Donnie sat down on the computer station and flipped a switch, and a flash of a neon purple covered the whole place, activating on all of the stations. The engine started up with a smooth purr, each of us exclaiming in awe.

Donnie turned to them all and began to explain, "Now, I've assigned everyone to a station based on your individual skill sets. I can't drive because my station's in the back, so-"'


And the three of them raced towards the driver's seat, shoving and pushing one another in the process like a litter of quarreling kittens. I rolled my eyes at three children and shook my head in amusement as I folded my arms across my chest. Out of the corner of my peripheral vision, I saw Donnie make a move to unsheathe his Bo staff, but I stopped him with a gesture of my arm. "I got this." I assured him and he nodded in thanks. I curled my hands and threw an ice dagger on the chair, instantly shutting the three bickering turtles up as they whirled around to meet our eyes questionably. Don took a step forward, his expression stern and unwavering.

"Rowan drives."

My eyes widened in surprise and I turned my head to Donnie, gaping at him like a fish out of water; my jaw slacked open. The shock ebbed away and a wide grin spread across my face as I raised a fist high in the air, "Yes! In your ugly face Raph!" I exclaimed in triumph, making said turtle scowl. The other two eyes widened and stared at Donnie like he had grown a second head. "Why?" Raph and Mikey demanded.

"She's least likely to hit something just for fun." Don replied and Blue crossed his arms. "And what about me? I'm responsible enough to drive!" he defended and narrowed his eyes. "I can't be sure about that Leo. But you can help her! That's why I placed an extra chair on that station." Don replied and the three nodded.


We all sat on our stations. Raph on weapons, Mikes at navigation, Donnie at computers and Blue with me on driving. Smirking, I placed my hands on the wheel, observing the area of my station. It had plenty screens above and in front of me since the subway car didn't include a window like regular cars. "Uh...are you sure you can handle this thing, Rowny?" Blue asked me in uncertainty. "Trust me, hon. I'm an expert. I drove thousands of cars in my life and bikes." I quipped, scoffing. "Driving the Shell-Raiser is just a piece of cake." I added, looking at my boyfriend who had a raised eyebrow.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now