Stacy Mailk

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(i'm so bad with all this p.o.v thing, as you may have seen i keep jumping around from 1st to 3rd person. this chapter is gonna be in 1st pov of becky's.)

I put on my gucci flip flops from the floor and headed outside to my BMW. My naturally wavy hair blew past me in the wind. I hated my hair. It was a natural ombré from brown, at the top, to blond. But Boris liked it, so I kept it. I needed new shoes. My gucci flip flops were getting too old. I got them yesterday and I feel like they aren't living up to their potential.

I was going to go see Stacy at the rehab center. She admitted herself last year because she killed a chicken which she tried to sit on.

RIP CHICKEN 2069-2420.

It lived a long life, but now it died. Anyways, today was her release day so I went to go get her. When I got there she was waiting outside.

"OH EM GEE!" Stacy screeched.

"BECKYYY XD IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?!?!?!!? 😩😩" Stacy screeched once again.

Stacy got into the car and started saying weird things.

I side hugged Stacy and talked to her.

"How was the rehab center?" Becky asked.

"It was amazing 😩😆. I leaned 📝📗 a lot about myself💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️."

Stacy and I returned to my mansion and went inside. Boris looked at Stacy with wide eyes. I could tell he wasn't so happy about her.

"What is she doing here?" He asked with a stern voice.

He galloped over to us and looked Stacy dead in the eyes. Coming out the kitchen was Zayn.

"What is Zayn doing here?" I counter.

Zayn smiled and waved his hand. Stacy's eyes turned into hearts. She was basically drooling at the sight of Zayn. That gave me an idea. What if I set up Zayn and Stacy?

I rushed up stairs and grabbed my Prada purse and my Nine West sun glasses and ran downstairs again. I took Stacy out to my car. This time I took my Ferrari. We drove to the nearest Cafe.

I took my MacBook Pro out and set it on the outdoor table, preparing myself for what I was going to ask Stacy.

"Stacy do you like Zayn?" I asked.

As soon as she heard what I said, her eyes lit up.

"Yes becky, I do. He's a hottie mcthottie and I want to make him mine." Stacy responded.

Now my plan was in session.

Operation get Stacy and Zayn together.

I deleted the part "Tension Rises" because I didn't feel good about it. I feel like it was rushed and didn't even go into the plot line. This however will go into the plot line. I feel like Stacy's character needed justice, so eventually you'll see what I'll do with her.

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