Her Knight In Shining Horse Armour

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Boris' POV

"As we gather here today, we see people of all different species. We have come together as one, and one we shall be!" Everyone cheered.

Today was the big day, the voting day. After a year of traumatic events that happened, I had decided to move on. I wanted to get focused on my career as future president to be. I was against this other orange dude, who totally copied my slogan. "Make America Great Again." That is so not original.

He was going to lose anyways. He sucked. Al he does is go on twitter and type with his tiny hands. But besides that, today was the but voting day. Today the USA was going determine me as president. I walked back into my dressing room, after my tiring speech. I turned on the news channel to watch my victories in every state.

So far,
Iowa, had all voted for me.

The Electoral Colleges were also voting for me. This was my time to shine, this was my time to make america horsey again. I was randomly switching through the new channels, when I saw a missing report.

Becky was kidnapped?

The lady announced that Becky was kidnapped by five guys that appeared out of no where in their house. A video of her parents came up asking everyone to find her. The suspects were five guys dresses in black. I knew those five guys. Becky had complained about them before as well. They were One Direction. One Direction kidnapped Becky? Why would they, it didn't make sense. I hurried out of the house and got into my Ferrari model 161829. It was my favorite car, designed custom for me.

I drove as fast I could to their house. Which happened to be right next to mine.

Becky's POV

"You're insecure, don't know what-"

"Stop! Stop please! You guys have been singing for two hours straight now. I'm getting tired of it." I complained.

It was true. They had been singing for 2 hours, 48 minuets, and 19 seconds. I had nothing else to do so I counted time.

"Okay, love. Why don't we all play a game of cards or something?" The one named Louis said. I learned their names after awhile or them singing.

They all came to the table and sat down. We played a game of goldfish, until the door bell rung.

"I'll go get it." Zayn said.

Daddy Zayn left, sad face. Suddenly there was a crashing sound and a loud neigh. Boris? It couldn't be.

Horses Are Coolio- My Horis and I (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now