"Alexa?" A whisper crawled into my ear, almost barely audible.

I hummed in response as I close my eyes, sinking further into his hold.

"I think I'm in love with you. No, I know it. I'm in love with you."

My eyes shot open as the words he whispered so rawly, rang clear as day through my ears. My stomach tied itself in knots. The blush on my cheeks could heat a thermometer in an instant.

I didn't even have to think. The words flew out of my mouth in one rushed whisper.

"I love you too Niall."

A gentle squeeze was ensured as we both drank in the comfort of one another. I don't know how long we just stood, holding each other, while staring at that now beautiful wise and decorated shack.

"A gate so no kids get hurt. I like it. How many kids?" Nialls eyes twinkled over at me as we waltzed back to the car.

"As many as the good lord will give us." I said jumping into the car. Niall shook his head happily as he shut my door and walked around to his side.

"I'm glad we did this adventure today Niall."

A smile was brought to his lips once again as he fondly smiled over at the shack in front of us.

"Yeah. Yeah me too."


Ela's pov

I wrapped a towel around my body, attempting to shield the cold air from my freshly showered figure.

I stepped into the plush rug as I turned to the mirror, getting ready to brush my teeth.

I wasn't suprised when Harry popped up out of no where. His back was pressed against mine as one arm reached around to rest on my waist while the other grabbed at his toothbrush.

I enhaled his scent as I rinsed my mouth clean with water.

"Whoa whoa." Harry stopped suddenly.

"El..What's this?" My towel was gently pried down an inch as harry examined my shoulder.

"What's what?" I craned my head around trying to glance at what he was suddenly so intently scanning.

Light fingertips traced over the skin as he breathed in deeply.

"It's a bruise." He whispered. "Must've been from earlier today, in that mob."

I twisted my head even further in attempt to figure out what he was referring to. I didn't feel anything hurt.

"Oh my god." I spoke as I finally caught sight of the ominous dark and purple discoloration adorning my shoulder.

I pulled the towel down even further to my back and stepped sideways in the mirror.

Scratches and bruises lined the right side of my body, where I had been pushed the hardest.

"Holy shit." I breathed out dejectedly as I stared at the ugly marks.

My towel was gently pulled up. One light kiss was left in my shoulder. I closed my eyes trying to ease some of my tension.

"Let's go to bed." He whispered into my neck.

I nodded my head as he stepped out of the bathroom. I quietly put on a pair of his boxers and a long sleeve shirt, examining the side of my body once more before the fabric concealed it complelty.

As I nestled into the warm and cozy bed, I noticed Harry's particular off mood. His hands were set in a frozen grip on the pillow.

I turned off the lamp and watched as the room engulfed in darkness.

"What's wrong?" I whispered as I flipped into my stomach and rested my head against his chest.

Moments of silence past. I knew he would tell me eventually. I just had to patiently wait untill his words came out. My lips were traced as his eyes clouded over in thought.

"I wanted this vacation to be perfect for you, and now, the only thing you'll remember is being attacked by a mob of shitty people."

My heart sunk at his assumption.

"Harry you are so wrong. It was only a small bump in the road. We will look back at this one day and laugh about it. I'm going to remember how amazing this house was and all the adventures we went on here. And I'll remember alllll the kisses and love you gave me. And how it is and will be the best suprise vacation of my life."

Harry was sometimes like a bomb.

If you let him fester and sit long enough, a countdown till he would erupt would start. But with a few actions, you could defuse the bomb immediately.

I watched as his facial expression relaxed.

"The kisses?" He sheepishly smiled at me, tracing my lips again.

"Yep. Alll the kisses." I whispered, inching closer and closer to his face.

"All the kisses where?" He continued on with his sly smirk.

I returned his smirk with one of my own.

"I'll show you where."

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