Are you dead yet?- Chapter Eighteen

Start from the beginning

It had been an hour. It turns out the task was to rescue someone that you cared about. An enchantment had been placed on these people so that they could go underwater and be unconscious and once brought to the surface of the water, they could breathe again.

As I said, it had been an hour and Harry hadn’t resurfaced with his person. I was getting anxious and nervous.

“Freddie, what if something has happened to him?” I asked fear stricken. But all of a sudden, Ron and Fleur’s sister resurfaced and were immediately pulled out of the freezing cold water. “Where’s Harry?” I asked in a panicked voice.

“He’s there”, Hermione said as she pointed towards the water. Harry was resurfacing from the lake. Almost all of the Hogwarts students and teachers cheered for Harry. A few of the Beauxbatons girls and a few of the Durmstrang boys clapped as well.  

“Harry!” I yelled as I pulled him into a hug, “You’re alright!”

“I’m fine”, he said as he hugged me back.

“Attention! Attention! The winner is… Mr Diggory!” Dumbledore announced to the schools, “For showing unique command of the bubblehead shark. The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well.  We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre”.

“Second place! Well done, Harry”, I cheered.

We all descended the stands and headed back to the castle.

“All that moral fibre eh?” Fred said to Harry as we walked back.

“Blimey, even when you go wrong it turns out right”, Ron remarked.

“Well done ‘moral fibre’”, George commented.

Harry went to talk to Mr Crouch as I continued to walk with Fred and George. I held on Fred’s hand.

“I’m so glad that he’s alright”, I said with a large smile.

“I know. So am I. I couldn’t stand to see you get hurt” He said before lightly kissing my forehead. I heard a soft awwwww from Ginny who was walking behind us. “Shut up Ginny”, Fred and I said at the same time followed by a laugh.


Soon we were at dinner and boy was I starving.

“I’m so hungry”, I complained as the plates starting filling up with food. Tonight was roast barbeque chicken, hot chips and Caesar salad. I put a mountain of food on my plate and starting eating immediately.

“Babe, I think you’re absolutely gorgeous but right now you look like a pig”, Fred commented as I shovelled another spoonful of food into my mouth.

I quickly swallowed before saying, “I’m soooo hungry though”.

“Alright then”, he chuckled and started to eat.

Pretty soon I was finished, as was everyone else. It was now time for dessert. Dessert was vanilla ice cream and on the table there were several bottles of topping. I immediately looked at the toppings. There was blue raspberry, chocolate, strawberry, caramel, apple, bubble gum and peanut butter. I served myself a massive bowl  of ice cream and then put on tons and tons of peanut butter topping (A/N- Sorry if you don’t like peanut butter or are allergic to peanuts).

“Would you like some ice cream with your peanut butter topping?” Fred asked sarcastically.

“Ha ha, very funny”, I replied sardonically.

Once we had all finished I went to bed. All of that food had made me sleepy!


A/N- Hey you guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER! I've been so busy lately. I went to my favourite band (ARCTIC MONKEYS) concert, I've had assignments and exams for almost every subject at school and I've had a severe case of writers block!

Oh my god! Lana Del Rey's new album came out and it is PERFECTION!

I Love It!

Question of the day:

What country are you guys from? I would like to know where my readers are from! I'm from Australia!

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