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He taught me well and it's just 30 minutes past. I already remembered it all.

"Y/N your a good dancer huh?", Jimin sit down on the bench.

"Nah, I'm not good", I said shyly.

"But your so good, Next time i'll teach you again", Jimin said.

He stood up and pulled my waist close to him, and he whispered at me , "Can you dance a sexy version with me?".

"What?!", I raised my voice.

We did not notice that people around us were looking at us, and a group of girls looking at us.

"Don't raised your voice they might notice us", Jimin whispered.

"Can we go home now? They are looking at us now", I asked.

He did not answer , he just hold my hand and start to walked, we really looked like a couple walking in the park. I noticed that the group of girls is still looking at us. We hurried to go home.

As we arrived , luckily the boys are still in their rooms, we walk fast straight to Taehyung's room but suddenly we heard a voice.

"Jimin-ah! You go outside again?", Hoseok shouts.

Jimin lift me up and run infront of Taehyung's door he opened the door and pushed me inside.

"Why are you infront of Taehyung's room?", Hoseok Suddenly appeared infront of Jimin.

"Ah Hyung i was going to wake up Taehyung, I just got home", Jimin explain while panting.

"And why are you panting?", Hoseok asked.

"I run earlier", Jimin explained.

"Okay! Let's wake up Taehyung", Hoseok hold the doorknob to open it.

"No!", Jimin yelled.

"Why?", Hoseok raised his voice.

"Let's wake him up later", Jimin said calmly.

"Okay let's go to Seokjin Hyung's room", Hoseok walked to Seokjin's room.

"Okay let's asked him to cook a food for us!", Jimin put his right arm to Hoseok's shoulder while walking.

Luckily i locked the door when Jimin said No.
When i turned back i saw Taehyung standing behind me , he looks mad.

"D-Did i woke you up Tae?", I asked him with a shaky voice.

He did not answer, he pushed me to the wall and looked at me in the eyes.

"Where did you go, i said you cannot go outside!", Taehyung said angrily.

"B-But i'm with Jimin, I'm sorry Tae", I look down on the floor.

But he lift my head up again and said, "This is your punishment".

He kissed me , His lips start to moved against mine , i tried to pushed him but he wrapped his left arms around my waist tightly and his right hand to my head, that's why his kiss deepens.

Suddenly there is someone knocking at the door.

He let me go and said, "That's your punishment, when you do that again i'll do it better next time"

He smirked at me, and i'm so embarrassed so i just looked down on the floor .

"Ne?", Taehyung said.

"It's me Jungkook, can i come in?", Jungkook answered.

Taehyung pulled me and put me inside of his wardrobe and said, "Stay here don't make a noise, okay".

He closed the door of his wardrobe and i heard Kookie's voice, i missed him a lot he's such a sweet guy.


"Hyung why are you still here? Seokjin Hyung cooked food for us", Jungkook said and walked straight to the chair and sit.

"I just woke up", Taehyung said while cleaning the food that you ate earlier.

"Hyung what happened to your lips?!", Jungkook looked surprised.

"O-Oh this? I just accidentally hit myself, i thought you notice it earlier", Taehyung rubbing his lips with his finger.

"No, I did not notice it, hyung next time be careful, we have a fan sign event later, our army might see that", Jungkook said worriedly.

"It's okay our staff can put a make up in here, so let's go out now hyungs are waiting for us", Taehyung walk to the door holding the garbage that you ate.

Jungkook nod and follow him.


"Let's eat", Seokjin said.

"Ne", They all answered.

"Hyung i missed your cook!", Hoseok said.

"We are busy lately that's why we don't have time like this", Yoongi added.

"By the way Taehyung what happen to your lips?", Namjoon said.

"Yeah what happen ?", Jimin acting that he don't know.

"I accidentally hit myself that's it.", Taehyung answered.

"Next time be careful Tae, for now let's hurry we have a fan sign event", Seokjin said


I went out to the wardrobe, and i suddenly feel hungry. I lie down on Taehyung's bed and message him.

I'm hungry Tae 😔 - I message him.

When we all go out later you can eat- Taehyung

I can't wait anymore 😭 - I complain

Wait i'm going there- Taehyung


They finished eating and walked straight to their rooms to prepare.

"Are you really hungry?", Taehyung said when he enters the door with Jimin.

I nod only.

"It's okay when we leave later you can go out and eat Seokjin hyung's cook", Jimin said and sit beside me.

"Okay Thank you", I said but not looking at them.

"By the way Jimin don't you dare sneak with Y/N!", Taehyung said looking straight to Jimin.

"I'm sorry but no one notice us", Jimin explained.

"Even they not notice you it's dangerous to go outside you know it, that's why i punished her", Taehyung said.

"What did you do? Y/N are you okay?", Jimin said while checking my whole body.

"I'm okay, It's nothing", I said and slightly smile at him.


They hurriedly prepare and left the house.
When they left the house i hurried to the kitchen and ate Seokjin Oppa's cook.

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