xix. the upper hand

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There it was, the first secret spoiled. There, everyone was, watching Marina go insane at this point. She shoved her way to allow the doors to close, she forced it shut, and she forced Millie to be there, on the other side, yelling and screaming for the son of a bitch to leave her alone.

    The cops came in and Marina gradually allowed them to have access to what was behind the closed door. The door opened, and out looked Millie Sink. "Here's the audio recording." She said, handing the one police officer on the right the access to the audio recording on the tape recorder. It let out the words that had been uttered previously. Except, it did not show Nathan's monologue to the event. It only had Millie's one sentence that proved her guilty.

"I killed my best friend because they wouldn't agree with me. And, bitch, I have no regrets." Millie's former self spoke now aloud on the recorder.

The officers looked up and arrested the girl, hauling her back until her court date.

The revenge had been given, and the next day it had been put in the drama-filled site Eliza was running as the main headline.


The next day, Marina had figured out where Eliza had been and walked into her motel. "Hey, we need to talk." She said.

"About what?" Eliza asked as she was reading a magazine with her body laying flat on the already flat-enough bed. She turned her head to look up upwards and to the side, so she was looking at the person talking to her. "Do you need my help with exposing another hoe?"

"Well, it's more so what I can do for you." Marina said. "Now, on my phone which you stole... I have an audio recording that you'll want to see, but I'll only let you know which one it is so long as I get my phone back." Marina said to Eliza.

"Fine." Eliza agreed. This time, she was keeping to the deal, as she wanted this audio recording, and the full version of it, and she did not want to waste her time on finding it. As the girl probably made many audio recordings a day. Besides, it was not as if that, now, with the beginning of the process done, she'd have any actual use for the phone now. And, if she kept it, it would be stationary.

    Eliza handed the phone back to its rightful owner, and Marina went up to audio recording number thirteen, and she smirked as she realized that it was in her hands, and she listened to the full conversation. Meanwhile, Marina thought she had the upper hand, finally getting her phone back. But, oh dear, she was so wrong.

"I know we've been through similar stuff so I wanted to help you out, sometimes, sharing stuff with others help calm the nerves down." Millie's voice was something you could make out through the audio. "I was informed of you by Lyric when we talked, so, what's going on? The therapist, Millie, is in the house." She said, joking in the last part.

"Well, my mom... She killed my father and forced me to help clean up the mess, and I did not want to. I really couldn't. I tried, but I barely did it. I feel so traumatized by the event, and I want to let everything up. I want me to be able to move on. How about you?"

"I killed my best friend because they wouldn't agree with me. And, bitch, I have no regrets."

Eliza looked up at her half sister, and smirked. "Oh, let's not forget that they're a homosexual." Marina added in.

"Wait, how the fuck did you find that out?" Eliza asked.

"Well, it was pretty obvious and.. I may have been able to get a hold of his boyfriend...." Eliza smirked once more. Everything was coming up her way. "If you want to know, Liam's friend. I looked him up when in the United States, and it was funny, because I saw him in some photos and videos, and when I heard that, I recognized the videos." Eliza said. "And yes, they've made it apparent and blunt that the two are dating."

    "Well, is he out?" Marina asked.

    "No, but... I have the best idea. Let's watch to see him crumble." Eliza said, before grabbing Eliza's phone out of her hand, and dialling Nathan's phone number. Nathan pulled out their phone and held it to their ear.

    "What's up?" Nathan asked, a little nervous.

    "You're going to come out to your bullshit excuse of a family, or else I'm going to tell the whole world about how you helped your mother kill your own fucking father." Eliza whispered through the phone, making the voice unnerving and with no where to track her from. The whispers shuddered down their spine as the girl younger then them had hung up, and they were shattered.


    Nathan walked into their home, their voice shuddering nervously, and closed the door. "H...hey?" They asked, as they got out and looked around for their mother, knowing that they had to do something, and Eliza stood out there, watching as if she was a stalker from afar.

    They went to the counter and leaned on it to find their mother cooking food. "Hey." Their mother spoke aloud.

    "I have something to say to you." Their voice grew stronger. "I'm non binary, and I hope you respect my decision." They said, "oh, and I am homosexual."

    Their mother's heart stopped, and the penny dropped. She saw them differently now. "My son does not think that and it is not April fools yet. This is a joke, it has to be." Their mother denied the truth, and it honestly hurt them.

    "Mom!" They yelled. "I did so much for you, I supported you in killing him. I allowed you to, I accepted it. I even fucking gave you suggestions, so how about you do one goddamn thing for me and accept me, and take me who I am?" They yelled at the top of their lungs.

    "Get the fuck out."

"Fine." Nathan said, before then racing out of the house, and grabbing their phone out of their pocket, and growling. They dialled 911, done with their mothers games, and knew that the best thing for them to do was to turn her in. The line reached a dispatcher and it did the usual crap.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"My mom killed someone, and she needs to go to jail. I can show you where the body is." They admitted. "It should be about an hour from the nearest police station by now, because it's only been 2 weeks or so since it happened." They explained. "Get officers to come to my place as soon as possible." They then spoke their address, and hung up. Pretty soon, officers were there, and Nathan went into the police car to give them directions to the body.

    Sure enough, their calculations were correct. After that, they retrieved the body and went back into the house, and stormed into the building. They searched for the mother. She was caught and arrested that morning, leaving Nathan without any parental guidance, and stuck in the police station while they found someone to let him stay with.

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