i. transfering schools

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Word had come around almost instantly, as Eliza had given the people a piece of her mind. She gave Dyllin the comeuppance, even if it was just a fraction of what the sadistic young human who was an embarrassment to the world had coming for him. She stormed in, and texted everyone about what was going on behind closed doors with Dyllin's personal life. Of course, leaving Samuel's name out due to privacy reasons. Eliza also had one last message for them.

"Look, I have to say something!" She yelled, standing in the middle of the vacant-to-be  hallway. "I have problems with this school, if you can even call it that. But, I have good news. My parents left the FBI, and before they found out one vital piece of information." Eliza spoke up as everyone turned to her bomb she had set off known as her mouth. "The school -- if you could even call it that -- is getting shut down.

Everyone soon began to panic. Surely, this school had its flaws -- no supervision, no classes. No education, which was the entire reason a school even existed in the first place -- but they all grew to be themselves there. They grew more comfortable, and it began to become their safe haven. Their place of expressing who they were. They did not want to leave, not now. Not ever, at least to another school.

"Most of us are leaving to Upper-Fort High. But, there's one moving off to another. Along with Samuel moving and the same with Alisa. Alisa, you're transferring to Riverbanks High, 1 hour away from here." Eliza spilled. And, just then the sirens were heard, and Eliza raced out of there, as the police came to escort them out of the school, and into their new lives of conforming to the general public. In there, they could be the outcasts, the weirdos. Whoever they wanted to be, but not anymore. They now had to conform to the masses, and be the 'American dream' of canada. Acting as if they had no problems, when in reality everything was way more rocky then meets the eye.

    Alisa sighed. Great, not only was her boyfriend moving back to his home, surely in safety, but she would be moving to a new school. A new start. She was not too sure how she felt about that exactly, but she knew that she had to catch her breath, and hope for the best. There was no saying no now was there?


    The students of the high-school wannabe walked into Upper-Fort High's premise, as Eliza saw them go into their new school. Entering into their new lives. The great unknown was a scary place for everyone as now they would be faced with real classes, and real enemies. Real situations instead of being in some make-believe places, like Peter Pan.

    They entered and a flood of kids, who were them, crowded the office territory and formed a line to get their new locker numbers and classes.

    They huddled there and once they had retrieved what they needed, they went back to themselves. Of course, all still partially keeping themselves in one big cluster, but, they wanted to disperse desperately.

    Marina, Lyric, and Millie stood together by their lockers. A face of hatred and bigotry plagued their faces as they watched the new people flee into their homeland. They had to protect themselves, and thus, automatically hated the new students who just came out of the blue.

    "Who are they?" Marina asked, enraged at how a herd of new people were swarming their surroundings like a swat team.

    "They're probably the new kids." Millie said.

    "No shit Sherlock." Marina rolled her eyes. "I am talking about where they came from."

    "Yeah, Toronto Experimental High School was shut down and most of their students, the ones which haven't died off yet, at least." Millie said.

"People have been murdered there?" Marina asked.

"Yeah, Cameron Hannigan got killed in a school shooting. Although, rumours say it was the FBI who staged it. This one guy went to jail and all that shit, it was pretty insane. And Royal, Lyrics sister, ended up -- accidentally -- killed someone." Millie explained the situation. "No wonder they got shut down."

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