vi. the long road ahead of her

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Eliza stood there, crouched on the ground as she then saw her surroundings clear for once in her life. She began to take a step forward with nothing on her feet, she could care less. This, to her, was the best idea she had ever made in her life.

    "Shit, I need some more money." She growled, before running back into the house carelessly, this time actually going through the front door, and searched endlessly for Chris or Kurt's wallets. She, three minutes later, found it on a chair. "Oh great I wasn't dumb enough to find that one when it was sitting right in front of me." Eliza rolled her eyes in apathy and took the wallet.

    She traversed the lands of the rich, the poor, the diverse, and the outcasts. The place where literally everyone could be seen with each other in harmony and not judge each other, but was it judging? Or was it not caring? She got into the city of New York, and began to walk her hardest, and by the time she got out, she was very exhausted. She just wanted to go somewhere, and into someone's home.

    She was on for a 7 mile walk before she was allowed to take a stop, because there was a train going in the direction she wanted to go to, and everyone she knew, knew that she would not be able to handle a walk for a long time, so she would use the alternative.

    She got in the long line, and when she got to the front of the line, the person at the desk smiled and stared at her. "ID please?" The girl asked in an overly cheerful voice.

    "Be honest with me. You probably don't like your job and that's fine." Eliza stated. "I don't want overly happy cartoon shit, okay?"

    "Okay please don't swear in this vicinity please. And ID please?"

    "I'll do what I fucking please." Eliza said, batting her eyes and handing the girl the ID of Chris.

    "Umm.... This isn't... Chris clearly." The girl said, nervously.

    "I'm just a spoiled rich bitch who uses her dads credit card all the time." Eliza lied her ass off, because if there was one thing she wanted, it was to get on that train.

    "Ummm...." She sighed. "I am sorry, but unless you get Chris here, to testify, you're not going on that train." The girl spoke.

    "No, you're getting me on that train." Eliza ordered, and the two girls began bickering.

    "No, you're not." This time, the girl behind the register spoke in a harsh tone, as if she wanted the girl to die, and let out a menacing growl along with her speaking.

    "Yeah, I fucking am!" Eliza yelled back.

    "Security!" The girl called, and Eliza turned to the side to see the train preparing to leave, the doors were closing, and then she raced off to the train, while the others were too caught up in trying to find her, to notice that she had gotten onto the train, and the train went off, and Eliza gave a smirk. Luckily, the conductor had already taken everyone's tickets so she did not have the fear of battling the conductor.

    Eliza then pulled out her phone and called Chris. Chris and Kurt had gotten the same job and worked always now at the same times, but that was their mistake. "Hey Chris." She said, hoping that Chris was on the other line, and her voice was soft for once.

    "Yes?" Chris asked.

    "I just want to say that I ran off, and I need you to go to the train-station to testify and say that I am your daughter, because I showed them your ID to try and get tickets for the train, but they did not believe me."

    "Okay, what's the train station name?" Kurt asked.

    "Umm I don' know Conway Railway or some shit." Eliza thought hard for a second, and answered.

    "Oh, one last thing - why are you going on a train?" Kurt questioned her one more thing.

    "I'm running away." Eliza said, before hanging up straight away and laying her head down on the seat, enjoying the long road that she still had ahead of her.


It was running to be midnight, as the clock ticked nervously in Nathan's mind; they had until 3am to do it, because then was the darkest hour. They got up, and sighed at midnight. Nathan brushed themselves off, before they got to the body's hidden spot; the skeleton still covered in rotting skin in their closet was standing perfectly on an angle as they got the skeleton out and hauled it to the river.

    They got the river and threw it in, but the corpse was heavy for a corpse, and it was hard for Nathan, it took them ten minutes to just put it in, and that was by the time they'd gotten to the river. They got home, and turned to their mother sleeping, letting a face of madness run through his viens and control them, before going back into his bed.

    But someone was watching from afar.

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