xi. once in a lifetime

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"Marina fucking Heyward, now what do I suppose you're doing here because I'm waiting for this girl." Alisson smirked.

"The girl on the chatroom? That was me." Marina spat in a very mad tone, before Alisson realized it and her face paled.

"I am so sorry." Alisson tried to apologizing.

"It'sfine, no one expects that from me, well, actually they do, but eh." Marina said. "I'm a reckless child. Now can you stop fucking staring at me for no fucking reason?"

"You sound like this girl at my old school but she moved when her brother died." Alisson gave a cackle at how similar the two were. "Though you're less... Vulgar and offensive." Alisson stated.

"Well then, what was her name?" Marina asked.

"Eliza Hannigan."

"Well then." She said, and in the end of the eleventh hour, they had curled up in the same bed, their lives on vines as they had to somehow get out like a heard of monkeys and they took the worst root that they could, the one with the most implications and damages, this would be the worst and the weirdest thing for what they've ever done.


Chloe walked into the school, she was feeling very nervous. She walked over to her locker and besides her was Royal. The two were talking about harmless things. "You wanna hang out tonight?" Royal asked.

"No duh, dude, my parents and I are finally moving out of the house, but I don't know how long I'm going to be staying at this school because it could mean moving school districts."

"That far away? But with Matt gone, you're my only friend." Royal said.
"This could be what we need though, a time a part." The other groaned to Chloe's response. "I feel like sometimes we're almost the same person, and while that's fun, it makes me worry too much about the decisions that I do make without you."

"But, we're the people who are keeping this school together, there's no way that I can hold the entire population of the four students's relations." Royal said. "Especially since they're teenagers, they're going through hormonal changes. They'll fight, get mad. Angsty teenager phase."

"First of all with the whole angsty teenager phase, I think you mean emo phase, not angsty teenager phase."

"No, there's a difference, emo is when you dye your hair a bunch of random colours and listen to insane rock bands that make you deaf, and the angsty teenager phase is basically just isolation and rebellion. Or as I like to call it I&R."

"K I don't think anyone calls it I&R but, if I change my name to Inga that can be our nickname because right now, it's just c&r."

"What about if you change your name to irony."

"Yeah, even if you pay me a million dollars, or as much money as there is in the world, I'm never doing that." Chloe said. "Anyway, we got off topic. The moving."

"I don't want to talk about it, but whatever."

"How about we call it even? Since you burned my house the only way I can pay you back is by moving, so think of it that way." Chloe sighed.

"Fine, whatever. Let's just plan the next meeting with the people from our school." Royal sighed before going on her phone and allowing herself to take initiative. She texted to the group chat, "hey, who wants to meet up again?" She asked, typing into their group chat.

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