6] Is he the one?

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Vihaan's POV

What was I even doing!? Asking Raghav!!?

If Raghav gets to know about it, I am sure what will happen next. It's better I do things myself, than asking him out.

I immediately dialled my secret detective's number.

"Sir" he said firmly asking me to command my order. Raghav and I, we both had personal detectives to know about our rivals and all the stuffs they plan against us.

Most of them, we had in common. Right now, I had dialled the most trusted one.

"I need you to find out about someone. And make sure Raghav doesn't even get to know about this.. even a bit. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir. Who is it?" He asked

I inhaled sharply as I replied "Aaradhya Sinha"

Aaradhya's POV

The day was finally here. I stood proudly in front of the large building. I had come too far. Now, there was no backing off. I had to fulfill my dream by hook or crook.

"God! Give me strength" I murmured walking towards the reception.

"Yes, how may I help you?" She asked.

"I am here for the selection of new employees. For the final presentation round." Hell! I was so nervous.

"Okay, give me a minute" she went through the computer and then checked a list.

"I guess Vihaan sir interviewed you?" She asked while I nodded.

"Okay. You need to report in the staff office, room number 104, beside Vihaan sir's cabin on the 8th floor."

"Thank you" I smiled at her.

"Good luck. And don't be nervous." She smiled back while I thanked her again.

Vihaan sir.

There was something about him. And all I could think of, was only one possibility. And if it was correct, then maybe there was some hope. I smiled looking at the bracelet in my hand.

But then suddenly I realised what I was thinking. No no no. This can't happen. 

And he looked very much different. Yes. He is different. He is not the one.

I went into the room assigned and noticed two people already there. I smiled at them and sat on one of the chairs.

Few minutes later, another girl walked in and sat beside me. There was complete silence in the room.

Fifteen minutes later Vihaan sir walked in. He wore a crisp white shirt and a black suit. It obviously was expensive. I must admit, he looked handsome.

His watch, an expensive brand. And the strong cologne.. uffff..

Aaradhya.. concentrate.

I scolded myself.

He cleared his throat and started speaking about our task. I paid full attention to it and noted down all the things he said.

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