A Secret Mission

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Hey guys sorry for the wait. Now for the story! I must warn you it will be rather short I'm sorry...

Kakashi pov- In Kiarra's house-

"Kiarra, please listen to me." I say.

"..." I sigh and tell her what I was told from Lord Hokage.

"You are going on a mission on your own." She looked at me wide eyed but not everlasting. "You must go to Suna and give them this scroll." I hand it to her. "It is top secret and Lord Hokage entrusts it with you. It cannot fall into the wrong hands. Keep it away from enimies at all means necessary. Even if it costs you your life." I tell her. She nodded and headed to what I presume is her bedroom to pack.

Kiarra pov-

I go to my bedroom and grab my suitcase from under my bed. I unzip it and start with clothes. Just normal custom t-shirts and shorts. Some shampoo and conditioner, extra weapons including kunai, katana, shuriken, hidaikos, and some others. I bring enough food and water for the trip, and my guitar and notebook... That should be enough...

I rezip, take a quick shower and get dressed. Afterwards, I meet up with Kakashi, dragging my suitcase, with the guitar strap around my shoulder, in the living room. I put the scroll in the pouch on my right leg and show him I'm ready as we head out the door.

We start walking through the Konoha streets watching the sun set. It was a beautiful sight to see. All the colors, orange, blue, pink, red, purple... Breathtaking... 

"Kiarra, I think you should tell the others where you're going. Although, it would be best not to tell Naruto..." He trailed off. I only nod.


Hey guys sorry for the wait. Hope you liked it! I wonder.....

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