Operation: Rescue Part Two

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Kiarra pov

I... I'm moving... to where? It's... so cold... I try to open my eyes and take a look around, but I ended up with one eye slightly open. And glance around. I can't move my head. It's too heavy.

I seem to be in a boat. I don't know where. The fog is too thick and dense that I can't see anything. (We inturrupt this portion of the paragraph to introduce a brain fart. The author has gone insane and started think-singing The One That Got Away. "IN ANOTHER LIIIFFFEE!! I WOULD BE YOUR GIRL!! WE KEEP ALL OUR PROMISES! BE US AGAINST THE WORLD! IN ANOTHER LIFE! I WOULD MAKE YOU STAY! SO I DON'T HAVE TO SAY YOU WERE THE ONE THAT GOT AW- We inturrupt this think-singing to finally get back to the story.)

I can see brick in the distance and I smell blood. I have to get off of this boat! "Ah. You're awake, I see." That voice sounds familiar... Somehow, I manage to gain the strength to ask, "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend." Is all I hear before they dissapear. Who was that guy? What did he want from me? Most importantly, WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME WHERE I WAS! I take the next fifteen minutes, or so, to wake up. It never  takes me this long to wake up. I must have lost a lot of blood. While I'm here and Gato isn't around, I should get to healing.

20 minutes later

Almost finished. As I carefully start closing up the wound, I start hearing voices. What the hell..."What on earth happened here?!" Someone sounds very astonished by whatever the hell he's talking about. ...wait... is that.. Tazuna?!

"It looks like a slaughter." The voice, also known as Kakashi, stated. That explains the blood I smelled earlier!

"All of them... they're all dead!" Tazuna exclaims. By now, I've realised where I was, but another question arose. How the hell could I hear them?

"Yeah. They are. They didn't put up much of a fight." Zabuza.

"Sasuke! Sakura! Naruto!" Kakashi signaled. I took this moment to send Sakura a signal.

"Kakashi-sensei! Kiarra is nearby!"

"I know. Naruto, find her." He ordered.

"On it!" Naruto sprinted in the direction Kakashi pointed. It didn't take long before he found my chakra and followed it. "Kiarra! Are you ok?!"

Nitwit... Do I look ok?! I nod. I stand and follow Naruto up. His chakra climbing has improved greatly. When we reach the top, Sasuke and the masked guy are fighting. "Hey! It's the masked guy from before!"(Yes, I know. I forgot to include him before, just pretend that I didn't. K? K.)

(We regret to inform you that once again the author has started think-singing. Bad boys, bad boys. Whatchya gonna do? Whatchya gonna do when they come for you? This should be the last time she does this. We are sorry for the inconvenience of her thoughts.)

"So we were right." Naruto stated. I smirk. I can't believe I wanted to see these dumbasses again. Sasuke kicks Haku away.

"What?! Nobody's faster than Haku!"

"In any other situations, I'd agree, but Haku's opponent is an Uchiha." He slows done on his name to give it more affect and I almost laugh. Almost. Zabuza stares wide eyed at Sasuke, like a creep might I add, and then looks at Haku.

Haku then decides now's a good time to bring in his jutsu. He goes to attack Sasuke and blocks one of his arms. Oh no...

"Sasuke! Move! Get out of there!" I scream at him, but he's too late. He glances my way just before he realises exactly what I was trying to keep him away.

"Secret jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!"



You're welcome. I'm early. And I kept my promise to one particular reader. See you next time. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up by the 26th. Earliest would probably be the 19th, but it all depends on things at home. See you next time.

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