Battle at the Border

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I'm so freaking sorry!!!!! I took do long to update this story especially!

Kiarra pov-

Our wild goose chase soon came to an end at the border of the Hidden Sand Village. We stopped because someone was in our way. Someone with a straw hat and some sort of farmers ragged outfit. Two of them.

"Hand over the scroll and I'll spare your life." Excuse me?

"The scroll. Give it to me." He repeated. Say it again. I dare you. "And why exactly should I listen to the likes of you?"

"You wanna play kid? I'll show you not to mess with a ninja from the Hidden Sound." He said making quick handsigns. He's fast.

" Seishuku Ketsueki Isshi no Jutsu!"

Wh-what. I can't speak! I can't hear a single thing. Where's Sa-suke. I look beside me and he is in the same shape as me. Immobilized. Then we both see these strings. Blue in color. Maybe chakra.

They're sucking out our blood. I can't bear the pain and scream. Sasuke is trembling. We drop to our knees.

Sasuke looks to me and tries to say something. But I can't hear him at all. Not even a peep. I stare at the strings. This pain. I. Can't. Take it much longer. What do I do? What do I do?! Panic don't panic. Think Kiarra, think! How do we get out of this? That's it!

I slowly struggle to get a kunai. I bring it over my head and into my leg. If I distract myself with pain, I can get out of this genjutsu. I grab Sasuke and take off as fast as I could go.

"Sasuke, are you OK?" I ask still getting over all the pain.

"I'm fine." He says trying not to sound weak. "You should be worried about yourself. That wound." A ray of pain shot through me like a bullet. The wound was deeper than I anticipated.

Did we lose him? I look behind the boulder I was hiding behind to see if he was on our trail. Then I realize I left a trail of blood from my leg right to us. Awww c'mon!


I know this is a bit short, but it isn't that bad.

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