Journey 2 The Mysterious Village part 2

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Short notice: school started... I HATE HIGH SCHOOL

Kiarra pov

"Sasuke want to walk together?"


"I'll walk with you sweet Sakura~."

"Lay off, Naruto!! Get a grip!" Ugghh shut up~...

"Hmm.. Over there!" Naruto suddenly jumps in front of Sasuke throwing a kunai west from us.

"Something is following us!"

"Come on, Naruto! Stop fooling around!" Pinky says and for once I agree with her.

He throws another kunai to the east and says "I'm telling you. Somebody's following us."

Kakashi gives me a look that tells me Naruto is right, but to an extent. I was too annoyed to give 2 shits about what happened next.

Minutes later, there are two bad ass looking assassins attacking us. Probably for either Sasuke or the disgusting drunkard. Both would be good for me though. One less problem to deal with.

Sakura stayed with Tazuna, Kakashi was "slaughtered", Naruto froze up, and Sasuke looks like the hero of the group by saving everybody. Well everybody except me. I was watching from the shadows, as was Kakashi-sensei.

I wanted to see how my "team" would react in a real fight to the death. It went as I expected, although I was a bit dissapointed that Naruto and Sasuke didn't switch roles. That would be a funny story to tell.

"You're not hurt are you? You little scared-y cat."

"Yo-mmmm. SASUKE!!" This sounds like it's gonna be an entertaining fight.

"Naruto." Kakashi-sensei calls.


"That wound is serious. There was poison on the blades."

"In other words, we need to go back and postpone the mission so that we can treat Naruto." I inturrupt.


"No, no. I can handle it! I got it!"

"Face it, Naruto, we need to go back and get that wound treated!" Pinky talks like she knows everythung.

Long story short, Naruto jabs a kunai into his wound and recites an oath before being made a fool of just for jabbing a kunai into his wound. I didn't care. What happens to him has nothing to do with me.


I was supposed to post this before thanksgiving........... sorry...

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